
Gassy newborn what do i do?

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My baby is 3 days old and she is breast fed....she had a really tough night and is screaming in pain because of gas I can hear it in her tummy. We gave her Gas drops and they imediatley do the trick but it wears off very fast and we are back to screaming again....Is there something that I can eat to come through my colostrum and ease her pain? Is this normal?? Please any advice is appreciated




  1. Call your pediatrician to find out for sure but you can push her knees to her chest to help get it out and you may need to do a better job burping her after feeding her and maybe take breaks during her feedings more to burp her! Good luck but I would definitly call the pediatrician :)

  2. all of the answers are good ones, also try laying her on her belly across your lap [making sure her head is supported, of course] and using a little pressure rub from her mid back down towards her bottom and it will usually help guide the gas out. you can do that and alternate between patting her back gently too. good luck =)

  3. Of interest:

  4. Make sure she is latched properly.  She might be swallowing a lot of air while she nurses?  Stop and burp her half way through (or more often).  Keep her more upright after feedings so she can burp it out easier.

  5. The gas drops are going to make the problem worse, they slow the digestive tract and cause constipation.

    Things you can try--laying her on her tummy over your knees and patting her back.  Burping more frequently. A warm wet washcloth laid over her belly, make sure it's not too hot, place it on her bare belly and then cover her back up with a blanket or t-shirt, change it when it cools down.  

  6. Try changing your diet remember what you ate last night limit dairy onions and other gassy foods reintroduce one a day and see what she dislikes I've nursed 6 and only had the gassy when my diet was irritating them

  7. This is very normal. My suggestion is Mylicon. You can get it OTC and you cannot overdose.  Make sure that you give her a dose before she eats. I hope this helps.

  8. it could be a number of things colic, something you are eating that doesn't agree with her. she should watch your diet very closely. also you might want to try a soy formula just at night.. and breast feed during the day. she might just have a sensitive tummy.  

  9. what worked for all 3 of my kids (even at a couple days old) was taking their knees and pushing them *gently* up toward their chests.  putting their knees to their chests helped open up their lower end and a little bit of pressure helped push the gas right out.  i usually sang 'row row row your boat" to get a rhythm going (push knees up, pull legs straight, repeat) and now my 4 year old sings it while i do that for my 1 year old!  sometimes it *does* take a few repetitions before anything comes out, and sometimes there's more than gas.  you should be able to tell, though, when she is done releasing any gas.

  10. Woah I wouldn't give gas drops to a newborn.  Her tummy is too tiny to fill it up with anything other than colostrum.

    How many poopy diapers did she have yesterday, and so far today (and what time is it locally)

  11. Burp here  before feeding AND AFTER, LOTS OF TUMMY TIME. tHERE IS also a message you can do with her ask your doc.

    What are you eatting, if your breastfeeding she is eatting what you eat.


    get a big yoga ball , hold her and bounce on it. She'll love it

  12. You burp the baby during feedings.

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