
Gathering Spit - During Fasting :[?

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I am gathering so much spit because usaully i drink lots of water. When i have spit in my mouth, i rinse it out or spit it out in a tissue. But it's making my mouth really sore and i am scared if i swallow the spit gathered in my mouth.

Any advice people?





  1. You do not need to spit.

    swallowing  one's saliva doesn't break the fast.

    Only if you have a cold then you spit the mucus that you would normally spit. that is it.

    spitting, and spitting will not only make your mouth sore, but it will also make you get thirsty to early in the day and make your sawm unbearable.

    This is all I found,,but believe me it is fine,lolz, I used to think the same to when I was little.

    'With regard to mucus coming from the head (nose and sinuses) and phlegm coming from the chest by coughing and clearing the throat, if it is swallowed before it reaches the mouth, this does not break a person’s fast, because it is a problem which all people have; but if it is swallowed after it reaches the mouth, this does break the fast. However, if it is swallowed unintentionally, it does not break the fast.'

  2. didnt you ask this like 2 days ago? saliva is your own, even if you pool it up and pretend youre drinking water. it doesnt break your fast

  3. It's ok hun, saliva doesn't count!

  4. You can swallow it.

  5. Where did you get this idea from?

    It's not Haraam in the least, it's a natural, unavoidable, occurrence, you have to swallow your spit!

  6. tee hee the spit in your mouth is cycling through your body, and you are not adding anythign to your stomach, or any foods, spit is just a lubricant to keep your mouth, and uvula is completely halal and normal to swallow spit while fasting on the month of Ramadan.

  7. of course you can drink it, otherwise you'd be losing water, and you should never fast water anyway, it's very dangerous, and horrible for your health, so don't be afraid to drink water, it won't make any difference in your fast

  8. Saliva is not a food or drink substitute. People who think avoiding swallowing saliva, a biologically natural product of the mouth, and deliberately making oneself more thirsty or believing it constitutes breaking the fast is a false notion.

    Ignore Saudii Hotgirl Please ;)

  9. It is ok for you to swallow your spit. To fast you aren't supposed to eat food or drink, but drinking your spit isn't putting something in your body, it is already there so it is ok. Happy fasting!

  10. i have no idea what to say why would you want to spit your saliva out its completely outragious. just be normal and drink it.

    of course you can swallow ur spit!

    saudi girl: lol




    take it easy, peace

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