
Gauges help help help

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are tapers suppose to be bigger than gauges

my tapers are the size of the center of my gauge or plug so how do i get it in?




  1. Size can vary between manufacturer. As noone seem to be able to decide how big whatever gauge should be =/ Another reason why I don't like gauge as a measurement much.

    And if its handmade jewellery, then you can't expect it to be entirely accurate.

    They won't give you a refund, unless they're obviously faulty. Thats just kinda gross, and its not their fault.

    Buy another plug?

  2. Tapers can run a little bigger or a little smaller than the plug but they should be very close to the same size.

    Do you have flared plugs? You said the taper was the size of the center part of the plug so that makes me think you have flares. If that's the case, the flared ends are a size larger than the actual size of the center of the plug. You won't be able to use those until you have stretched to a larger size. When you're stretching always use standard plugs that are the same size on the ends and middle. If you want to wear the flares, wear them after your ears have healed. You could tear your lobes by trying to force in a flare or the flare may become stuck in your ear which is equally bad.  

  3. They're called plugs or tunnels, a gauge is a unit of measurement.

    If they're good quality (ie. not from hot topic/Spencer's) then they should line up perfectly

    When you have the taper in just line up the plug and push it through, there's a great little picture guide over here:

    ETA: no one in their right mind will accept a return on body jewelery, it's hugely irresponsible
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