
Gavin Ellis- How can so many people be tricked and embezzled by one man? Did he only target mentally challenge

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I have been following this madness since I heard about Gavin taking his own life. He has always been a person that could not be trusted; I have known him for almost 20 years, although as soon as my family was taken in about 15 years ago, it was only by word of mouth. How many people has he destroyed? where in heavens name have you all been?, who hands over thousand s of dollars to someone in goods faith to invest at a high return, without assuring all the documents and dealings are legitimate. Come on people, you must admit that the predicaments that you now find yourselves in, is simply through your own greed and laziness. Those that have said that they will now start again, and they are grateful that they have their health, please, believe in only 3 things, yourself, your family and your God. As a Christian maybe I should not say this, but what he did to himself, if true, was a blessing to the world, he was truly Satan’s advocate.




  1. Well done and well said.  I don't get it either.    As a christian, I don't try to judge anyone, I try to show people the way by example.

    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on ME.

    I don't know if the people are as lazy and greedily stupid as they are trusting and uninformed.

  2. Seems like your family was taken in by Gavin. They too must have been greedy and lazy. You say you are a Christian, your comments don,t sound very Christian like, maybe it would be better to pray for all involved.

  3. Confused, that sounds about right, you and your family must be as stupid and greedy as the rest of us. I do however find your story a little hard to believe, if as you write, you knew of this monster 15 to 20 years ago, but did nothing to stop him (report to police) then you are just as bad if not worse than him.

    You write that people havent got the balls to respond to your statement, maybe because they are busy working and rebuilding their lives, instead of being a righteous little christian t**d like yourself.

    If you have got the BALLS that you talk about, put your contact details up, so that the people you are having a go at, can have a go back, otherwise slink back into the darkness you worthless little nothing.....

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