
g*y Adoption???

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I am doing a project, and i need to come up 3 good pros and 3 good cons to g*y adoption. Please be serious...thank you.




  1. well first of all what could possibly be bad about g*y adoption how could it harm a child.....i think as long as people are responsible who cares it is a man or a woman adpoting the child

  2. Pros-

    Child will have better life.

    Child doesnt have to be alone for his life.

    Makes him feel wanted


    Get made fun of because of two dads

    Most kids want a real family ( mom and dad)

    Mess up family tree.

  3. What kind of project has to state the "pro and con" of g*y adoption.  This is a human rights issues, plain and simple.  Your question (and most of the answers below) is/are offensive.  It is sickening actually how heterosexist this forum is.

  4. Pro- The child will have 2 parents g*y or not it doesn't matter if they were loved.

    Pro- They will have a decent childhood.

    Pro- They will know what a family means.

    Con- People mightn't be accepting .

    Con- Children maybe cruel and nasty and even violent towards the child.

    Con- They will not know what it is like to have a Mum and Dad.

  5. Pros -  

    1. The child will have a loving home and parents.  

    2. Child will grow up to be more open minded and accepting of all kinds of people.

    3. Studies have shown that Children raised by Homosexuals don’t fair  any differently if then a child raised by heterosexuals. That a child raised by homosexuals is no  more likely to turn out to be a homosexual then a child who is raised by heterosexuals and turns out to be homosexual.

    4. g**s are often willing to take those that are deemed hard to place.  Crack /HIV babies, babies whose mother had HIV. Older children etc.


    1.Possible that child could be teased over having 2 mommies or 2 daddies.  

    2.Child could possible one day be discriminated against because of their parents lifestyle.

    3.Child not having a mother or father. That child wouldn’t get the other gender input in their life. People find this even more important if say Lesbians have sons or g**s have daughters.

    4. Not what is deemed typical family, Mother , Father and kids.    

    In reference to con 2 - kids get teased over all sorts of things. What if the child has to wear glasses, is a bit overweight or is just for whatever reason picked out to be teased upon

    In reference to Con 3 - many many homosexuals who have kids have a close friends of the opposite gender or even a family members that is very involved in the child’s life and can be that role model for that child. Take Rosie O’Donnel for example she says that her brother spends a lot of time with her sons, so he is that male role model for them.  

    In a g*y adoption video I watched some years ago , there was a couple they had a close woman friend who spent time with their daughter did girly things. Their daughter knew that if she ever had questions or things she felt uncomfortable talking to Dad and Papa about she could go to this woman.

    In reference to con 4 most kids  today do not have the typical family. What with the divorce rate, many children are growing up in blended families.  Or single parent homes. Some kids have a father (sometimes a mother)  that is barely in their life's sometimes nothing more then child support.

  6. Pro: A child has parents

    Con: People will probably not accept the child's parents

  7. I can't list any Pros, because I don't believe there are any pros to g*y adoption, but if there were at least ONE pro, it would be:

    1. The child would know that they came from a male and female, and they would not exist otherwise.

    My cons are:

    1. The child wouldn't know who to call dad or daddy or mom or mommy.

    2. The child would be confused about what a real family unit is. (one that can create children on their own would be the least preferred among mom and mommy).

    3.The child would be made fun of at school.

    4. The child would be confused about how God created male and female to naturally become one in unity of flesh.

    5. The child would be most likely not be able to experience a mom and dad even if they were made by the pair in ALL reality.

    There are more, but I'll stop at #5.

  8. Cons:

    The child will most likely be very confused.

    The child will be teased/bullied & possibly beaten.


    The child will have a good home.

    The parents will have responsibility & will prove that g**s are not bad people.

    I know you need 3.

    You need to think 1 for each.

    I'm just helping.

  9. pros

    kid doesn't live in a orphanage or get fostered.

    kid has a parental figure to look up to and trust and rely on.

    kid gets tough from taking abuse from other kids.


    kid takes abuse from other kids for living with g**s

    kid grows up secretly wishing his adoptive parents were not g*y and wishes that one of the g*y parents would leave.

    kid has a twisted view of how a normal (straight) family unit functions.

    kid will possibly be confused about sexuality and what its preferences are and should be.

  10. I won't list any cons because I don' believe there are any.

    1) The child will be loved

    2) the child will not be confused about his/her own sexuality because being g*y is not a choice.

    3) Kids are made fun of at school all the time, for every reason under the sun.

    4) Which one do they call mom/dad, both of them.

    5) The more g*y couples that parent, the more society will accept it, REMOVING THE STIGMA that people will not be good parents because of their sexual orientation.

    I really don't lose sleep over who someone else has sexual relations with. Life's too short and it's none of my business. I would never dream of asking for your opinion as to who I can sleep with eitherer. Nor would I say so and so is not a good parent because of who he/she sleeps with, maybe I'd say they made some bad choices but who hasn't, even in the heterosexual world.  I'd rather see a child in a loving, nurturing home than an abusive, violent, drug & alcohol infested existence. If that happens to be with same s*x partners so be it. My conscience can not honestly say that ALL heterosexual relationships are better than non heterosexual ones when it comes to raising children.

  11. As long as the parents are in a healthy committed relationship I don't believe there are any cons. It's obvious how homophobic and narrow minded this question and the responses to it are. There is nothing sick or wrong with two healthy committed adults (or even a single healthy stable person) extending their love to a child who would not otherwise have love,stability,or all the other things a child needs to become a well rounded contributing member of society. Those who so harshly and self-righteously pass judgment are just trying to deflect judgment from their own lives.

    Why is it always the "g*y" question? Everyone would be out raged if the question was what do you think of Christians adopting? or Muslims? or Jews? or Whites? or Blacks? or Asians? We have worked so hard for equality and tolerance but some how being g*y...puts you outside the box of morality. Your basic human rights including "the right to pursue happiness" is suddenly under scrutiny all because of sexual preference? This question and some of these answers are not tolerant and the judgments being passed are certainly not those that I think any religion would condone...

  12. Pro

    No competing with the bio-kids

    g*y people adopt the kids most people won't

    Don't have to worry about your dads hittin' on you ladies.


    You got to tell people your dads are well.... DADS

    You got to tell people your dads are well.... DADS

    You got to tell people your dads are well.... DADS

  13. pros:

    Child gets a real home with real parents that love and take care of them.

    Child gets stability

    Child will most likely grow up with an open mind and not be so judgmental of others

    Child will also have an extended family (that is if the couple is close to their families) and friends

    Couple gets to experience the joys of being parents


    closed minded ignorant people will have issues with it

  14. PROS

    1 Child won't be in foster system

    2. Child (hopefully will be in a good home)

    3.  Child will be loved and always a place to call home


    1. Child won't know natural mother or father

    2.Child will need help with abandonment issues (but most adoptees do anyways)

    3. Child might be bullied ( but could happen anyways)

    There are not really pro's and con's. These children face the same as any adoptees do.

  15. pros

    1-the child will be loved and looked after

    2-the parents will be happy if its what they want

    3-the child will have a home and a family


    1-the child might get bullied because their parents are g*y

    2-they might split up and the child will be affected

    3-the child could be extremly confused about their parents

  16. Pros: The children will have parents, the parents will be happy they finally have a kid, and the kid will have some stability in their life and will be content to know he/she is loved.

    Cons: Others that are in no way associated with said kid and parents will ***** constantly about the immoral applications involved as the more serious issues in life are left neglected and the world as we know it falls further into inescapable ruin.

  17. CONS- Kids will be very confused. Having two dads or two moms will ruin the child. That is too much for a child to have on them.

    I grew up with only my mom, as my dad passed away. Kids are cruel. I remember being looked at differently because I only had my mom no dad. Once we had to draw a picture of our family. I drew a pic of me & my mom. The kid beside me asked. Where is your daddy. I wanted to cry. I remember that day like it was yesterday----and it was atleat 18yrs ago.. I'm sorry I cannot find any PRO's on this type situation.
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