
g*y Crush. Does he feel the same?

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I am not strictly g*y and I am 15 and male. I made a friend a couple of years ago at the end of Year 8 and we've gotten a lot closer now. I have developed a liking to him and hes the only same s*x person im attracted to.

We normally sit next to each other in every class, talk to each other after school and on the phone untill we go to sleep, pretty much. We ocassionally joke about being g*y getting really close to each other and then eventually pulling away. Once we even touched lips before pulling away and he had stated "THATS as close as im getting" as we had been joking about how close you would get to same s*x.

He doesnt suspect me to like him and we call each other brothers. Occasionally if we lean on each other while playing games and stuff he'll eventually get suspicious and pull away but he does occasionally rest his head on my shoulder.

lately hes been trying not to talk to me as much on the phone because his mum had said to him its like we're married, and only then did he begin to back off.

He's said he's straight but i dont know, hes never denied when i said he could have g*y tendancies but he doesnt like it when i say he IS Bi but he doesnt know when i say he COULD be.

Help me to understand.




  1. well, he seems like a great friend

    he might be a little confused right now but you can keep testing the waters with him...i mean you said you guys touched lips thats a pretty big deal and he doesn't deny his having g*y tendencies haha : ) he sounds cool, give it time and make observations, look for more hints to see if he is or isnt

  2. he sounds about as confused as you do, lay off of him a little, get your head clear and analyze the situation again. or you could just ask him seriously, be a little forward yes?

  3. Being g*y, bi, or even bi-curious is a very hard thing for a lot of guys to accept for many several different reasons.  Society is getting a lot better, but it is still somewhat of a taboo in small towns.  It also can destroy the dreams of having a wife and children.  You know, the "American Dream" so to speak.  I'm sure the comment that his mom made about it being "Like your married" scared him.  Give him some time and respect him as he may be straight.  But rather he is straight, bi, g*y, or bi-curious, don't give up the friendship you have with him because it sounds like a beautiful thing that the two of you have going on!  s*x is something that anyone can have, but you have the friendship now and friendship is way better than s*x.  You have to have a friendship to build a relationship and s*x is just a perk.  I hope everything works out for you buddy!

  4. Yes. It is obvious, he just doesn't want anyone to know he's g*y. Straight guys don't usually talk on the phone for hours. Girls and g*y guys talk on the phone for hours. Straight guys don't get that close to other guys' lips. Straight guys don't rest their heads on guys shoulders. So he is the secretive type.

  5. Make him miss you a bit and see what happens.  It's pretty exciting!

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