
g*y adoption?

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We live in florida and are currently TTC but we want to purse other avenues to extend our family and would like to adopt, problem is we live in florida and they don't allow us to adopt here. Does anyone know if I can adopt from another state while living here or do I have to an address in another state? Thanks so much :)




  1. You can adopt through fostercare in any state..I live in Cal..and I know many g*y couples that adopted kids..

  2. There is an adoption agency in Texas that you could contact. They do adoptions in every state and I personal have worked with them and they have place newborns with g*y couple successfully. It is an open adoption were you will meet the birth parents and can be at the birth. They are called Family 2 Family and are located in Richmond Texas there web site is there number is 1-800-385-6301 or 1-888-570-1522 it is a 24 hour number.. Hope this helps...

  3. Your options are pretty limited.

    1- Adopt as a single parent and don't mention your orientation.  This is dishonest and unfair to your partner.

    2- Get a lawyer who's willing to invest a lot of time and effort into trying to change Florida law.  This is unlikely to work, and expensive.

    3- Move to a g*y-adoption-friendly state.  This is inconvenient, but probably your best shot.

    4- Start thinking about embryo adoption.  This may require several transfers before you conceive sucessfully, but there are plenty of embryos out there.

    <3 Kelsey

  4. You can adopt in another state while not living there; however, whether or not you all can _both_ adopt or not depends on the state--very few states allow both members of a g*y couple to adopt.  In some states, you can both adopt initially at the same time.  In others, one partner must adopt first and then the other does a second parent adoption, which is like a stepparent adoption.  In some states, only one member of the couple can be the legal parent.  It really just depends, but I _do_ know that you don't have to be living in the other state to finalize the adoption there.

  5. Firstly, you can adopt in another state, but you do have to be living there to do it.  Then, once the adoption is legal (finalised), you can move back to Florida (the adoption is still legal throughout the US).  My other suggestion would be to try adoption through foster care.  ln many cases it is much quicker, the costs are cut, and you get to know the child and parent them before the adoption goes through.  Either way, there are two choices, it should be possible to adopt.  Good luck to you, l hope you are blessed with a child.  Best wishes.

  6. I dont actually know but in england you can adopt but i dont know if you can then bring over there sorry. But i do wish u both all the best :) xxxxxx

  7. The fact that you are looking for ways to break laws and be dishonest suggests you have no business raising kids.  If you can't do it the honest way, then don't do it at all.  Remember, it's all about the kids, not you.

    A postscript.

    You put something up on an open message board, you take what is given.  I do not answer questions in a vacuum, but only in its context.  The context here was someone asking help to adopt children illegally, and any rational person would be against that premise.  While I may concede the point that for the kind of at-risk children you mentioned it might well be that living with a g*y couple is better than living in state foster care, I would only extend that to those who are basically honest people and law abiding.  Since we are discussing at-risk kids here, I will point out that the reason they are so is likely because of previous dealings with other adults for whom the law was mostly viewed as an "inconvenience," something to skirt around.  Putting yet more adults into their lives with this outlook just may not be in their best interests.  And yes, as a culture we are turning into selfish adults, only caring about what WE want, not what children actually need.  My main point is that children aren't puppies, social ornaments, or pawns for activists.  They are in fact human beings with their own specific needs.

        Finally, my wife & I both became adults and moved away from our own home states.  My parents are >350 miles away, hers even further.  My brother moved 500 miles away from home.  We've all done very well as strong independent adults with very stable marriages.  From my own POV, your insistence to live in FL appears to be a case of wanting your cake and eating it too.   By simply moving someplace else you are able to do things legally and honorably.  A small price to pay, IMO.  

    Kent in SD

  8. Unfortunately, short of moving to a g*y friendly state, it is not possible.

  9. Not sure, but i do wish you the very best!  Adoption is such a great thing!

  10. Many places don't allow you to, but we have friends who are a couple and have about 5 mentally challenged children. We live in San Antonio and I know that not all places would let our friends adopt but obviously there are some.

  11. You have to abide by the laws of your state of residence. Perhaps a local GLBT group can help you....surely some other g*y couple has been through this in FL.

  12. no, you do not have to live in the state you adopt from.  my friend's just adopted a little girl in kansas and live in missouri.  you will need to first talk to an adoption attorney.  they will be able to correctly answer your questions.  you will need to verse yourself on what's called an interstate adoption contract, i believe.  your attorney will be able to give you info on that.  as far as i know all domestic adoptions are finalized in the state the child either is born in or resides in at the time of adoption.  my best to you and your partner and even though i am part of a hetero couple that has adopted, i think any person or couple and family that is able to provide a loving and stable home should be given priority, and hopefully you will be able to find a birthmother with the same thoughts.  good luck.

  13. I don't know of any g*y babies up for adoption, sorry.
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