
g*y birds?

by  |  earlier

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I thought my cockatiels were both boys, but the other day they were humping each other. This made me quesition their gender. I know all birds aren't heterosexual, but I had 2 make sure. One cockatiel I am almost certain is a boy but the other is a lunito so I can't tell. The behaviour makes me think it may be a girl but judging by apppearance and the fact it is harder to tell with mutations, I am weary. Maybe they're just g*y???




  1. Well, I came across a vid on YouTube with g*y lions going at it once.... as long as they're not dying, let em do their thing

  2. Maybe it was a dominance thing, i know in furry pets one will hump the other just to say "hey, this is my territory and I'm the boss".  BTW my two male zebra finches are absolute champions at building nests together.

  3. no other animal in the universe is g*y, only humans report this behavior....I realize that public education sucks today but you can just realize now that birds are not "g*y" you have a male and female which is quite normal and natural.  instinct is what causes animals to want to mate, so they understand which are the mates

  4. If animals have g*y tendencies why not birds?  Usually it has to do with dominance and not the s*x of the animal.  The stronger one copulates with the weaker, and the latter accepts that as a form of subjugation.


  5. Why would this even matter ?

    they are only birds, not your little brothers. just enjoy their beauty.

  6. Either it is a girl or these birds are just experiminting. I'd take the one you're not sure of back to where you bought it if it was a pet store or the vet to determine the s*x. If it is a boy, ask why they're doing this. I think they might just be experiminting. Not sure though. Good luck.
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