
g*y couple - safe to go on holiday to Dubai?

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My bf and I are not by any means a camp couple, we don't do public displays of affection or any of that - how safe/suitable is Dubai as a holiday destination? We are thinking of going around December. I heard that even if a man and a woman are sharing a room at a hotel they should be married - will it be acceptable to share a room with my bf?




  1. This is like the New York City of the Middle East. As long as you both do not ACT like stooges, it will be okay. These people have no idea ....I mean, you could be brothers as far as they know or CARE for that matter. I have lived there and you need NOT worry about getting 2 rooms. This is NOT the Stone Age and no one cares about what the foreign man does......just don't bother their women and obviously, this will NOT be the case.

    However, if you are travelling for vacation purposes, I could find alot better places to go. The whole Middle East stinks.

    Try Amsterdam, Germany, Italy. Frankly, I would take a Med cruise before I would go there. Spain is beautiful, too. Just don't go to all of the touristy places.

    I have travelled to many countries and lived on a few islands. My favorite has been the nasty pit hole of Europe....Naples, Italy. The people are great.....just don't go during August. They are all on vacation!!!! But if you are there, you can see Pompeii, Sorrento, Capri, etc. It is truly breathtaking!!!

    Good Luck and don't worry about the homesexual thing. As you know there are many g**s in this world ......The Roman Empire was full of g**s..........who cares and whoever condemns you for that ...has their own set of issues.

    That is ur business........not ours.

  2. I don't know anything about g*y culture over there or anything, or over here for that matter.

    But I would assume you two could pose as cousins or some **** like that ya know?

    I mean, it's not like they're gonna give you a lie detector test.

    Anyway, goodluck with that.

    Joey C.

  3. there is no problem with u going to dubai as long as u dont make it obvious in public that ur g*y.   whilst it is illegal to be g*y there are actually a lot of them there even locals but they are discreet - they call them ladyboys there - which is not quite what we think of a s a ladyboy.   to be honest these days theres not much problem with a non married male and female sharing a room, but ironically they will probably just assume ur best friends. good luck and have a lovely holiday;

  4. Dubai is not as stone age as nearby countries like Saudi Arabia, but I would check carefully before going as a part of a g*y couple. The penalties for g*y activities may be really draconian, they are in many nearby countries. Why not go someplace like Costa Rica where the g*y thing is not an issue?

  5. It is never acceptable for two men to be together. It is good that you do not do public displays of affection however you should examine the eternal repercussions of being involved in a homosexual relationship. I hope this answers your question.

  6. I just spoke to a female friend whose parents live in Dubai, and she said 'Tell them they have to have separate rooms' - sorry, but it's pretty strict there.

  7. Dear Friend,

    If you both are on tourist / transit / visit visa here in UAE/Dubai, you will not find any difficulty only if you do not do public displays of affection or like couple (nobody knows that you are couple-because that culture is not acceptable here)

    But in Hotel, for short stay, you can have twin sharing room and even then you should never mention that you are couple.

    But, nobody will examine what you are doing inside a home/hotel room.

    But, Man & Women sharing a room here must be married and the attested marriage certificate should be with them once any raid came there.

    The g*y life is illegal here. So take care.

    Best of Luck


  8. UAE is a free country, nobody will ask you if your a g*y or not. about sharing a room with your bf. yes you can share in one room, physically your both looks like the same. all hotels in dubai they allowed at least two in same gender to stay in one room

  9. Hi there!

    I just read your query and also the responses you've received so far. Let me tell you first of all, most of these people have written ABSOLUTE RUBBISH in response to your query.

    These people don't have a clue about what they're talking. I'm really wondering, WHAT they've based their info on. But the easiest answer, I guess, would be: total ignorance.

    In a place like Dubai, you will have ABSOLUTELY no issues as a g*y couple, as long as you don't do any public display of affection. I can tell you this with conviction, since I work as a professional tour guide in Dubai since a couple of years now and I've personally handled tours/excursions for g*y couples, who in fact left me with the feedback that they were amazed by the amount of discretion they could enjoy in spite of being 'quite obviously g*y', and that too in an Arab country.

    The basic reason is that even here in Arabia, the local g*y population is quite large, although very very discreet. g*y activities are absolutely not allowed. But whether you're checking in into a hotel room or going out in the city to enjoy on your own, nobody is going to bother you.

    And contrary to the nonsense told to you by some of the respondents to your query, you don't need to book spearate rooms. You'll find thousands of cases of unrelated men (friends, business partners or even g**s) sharing rooms here. Only, goes without saying, don't register yourself as a 'g*y couple' when you do your booking.

    I can asure you, you'll love Dubai if you come in around December, since the weather is at its loveliest.

    Hope you don't pay attention to those mindless blabberers. You're most welcome in Dubai!

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