
g*y marriage, civil unions, domestic partnership, or none of these? whats your opinions?

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  1. No g*y marriages; useless. Civil unions are pathetic and marriages shouldn't be pass-times.  

  2. Since it is legal, g*y marriage.

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  3. Nope i do not think same s*x marriages should be recognized unless the people of that particular state and not liberal activist judges decide it is what they want.  As for me i am sure the sane and morally centered citizens of the state of Missouri will never ever vote for the sanctioning of same s*x marriages. If two people want to attempt to legitimize their so called domestic union they can call it what ever they want as long as it has no legal standing in my state im fine with it.

  4. Federally recognized civil unions, granting all couples the same rights.

    Let them participate in a religious ceremony to call it a marriage if they choose.

    I don't see why marriage and unions are conferred with different rights by the government.

  5. I have no problem with any of them. It's no ones place to keep anyone from choosing their life partner. It's about commitment and loyalty. I am an ordained Minister (non Denominational) and I will marry any one off. I am in Montana.

  6. marriage for everyone by government (civil marriage), religions are free to do as they choose.

  7. Im republican, pretty right too, but I Have g*y/L*****n friends/relatives, and I support g*y marriage, just dont make a big deal about it and hold parades and make posters and such. Ahh good old San Francisco

  8. None of these. If sodomites wish to get married then move to mexico.

  9. the state of cali has become the 2nd state to allow g*y marriages

  10. Have the state/fed govt stop recognizing MARRIAGE. Extend CIVIL UNIONS to all people, regardless of what their sexuality. Leave "marriage" to the churches.

    Everyone is happy that way.

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