
g*y marriage in Ca. Can my spouse be denied medical benefits if my company offer to heterosexual married cpls?

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I am marrying my domestic partner of 8 yrs in California. I wanted to ask if my company can deny my spouse medical benefits in California if it is offered to my heterosexual married co-workers?




  1. California law prohibits discrimination based on both marital status and sexual orientation. If an employer offers benefits to opposite s*x spouses while denying the same benefits to same s*x spouses, they are violating the law.

  2. Yes

  3. Since you are married, I belive you can still get benefits for your spouse, but then again, it all depends on what company

  4. i dont think so

  5. no in California a g*y married couple is the same  as a man and a women being married my B/F wants to go there so we can get married it would be discrimination if they denied you coverage

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