
g*y marriage what do you think about it?

by  |  earlier

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Eh, I want to see peoples opinions on this subject it tends to come up alot and well it'll be on my mind alot now with me bein engaged so obviously I'm all for it.




  1. First off, I have no problem with homosexuals; I have friends and family that are... I  am not however...

    Okay, this is what I don't understand... "Marriage" was "invented" through religion... Most religions do not acknowledge or approve of homosexuality; so they do not support "g*y" marriage...

    Marriage after all is just a ritual performed to satisfy certain religious beliefs to honor and obey God. Different religions have different rituals; and many have nothing to do with "Marriage".

    So, why would "g*y" people want to be associated with a religious ritual that was created by religion and is meant for heterosexuals?

    I mean, I can understand "Civil Unions" because that is a new term invented by governments to accommodate homosexuals but why "Marriage"?

    I'm Christian and I don't go around wanting a Bar Mitzvah, cause that's a Jewish ritual and I don't want to be associated with it.

    Now, for those of you who think a piece of paper makes you any more "Married" than those without, you're fooling yourself. If you want "legal" rights for your partner, then there are other avenues for getting those rights... "Marriage" shouldn't be your way of getting those rights.

  2. I agree with g*y "marriage" i don think the government or anybody else should have a say in who people should marry. If you don't like it then don't marry someone of the same s*x lol. Seriously i think people should mind their own business if you are not paying their bills then you have no say lol. You cant help who you fall in love with.

  3. The world has a very twisted idea on marriage today.

    Straight people want to live together without the benefit of marriage and g**s want to marry.  Doesn't make any sense to me.

  4. i think that the government shouldnt have a say in who people choose to get married to


  5. I believe that people should be able to marry who every they please i don't want anyone telling me who i should marry. If i decide that the one i want to spend the rest of my life with is a woman then i am going to marry her =)

  6. It is a right that we are all entitled to, it would allow benefits, property rights, espousal services etc. There are many governmental benefits that "straight" couples get that would be given to all married couple as a whole. Marriage is not just a privilege only afforded to "straight" people. Is a right given to and fully entitled to all of us established by the Constitution of the United States.

  7. I think it's fine if that's what someone wants to do.

  8. I think that it should be allowed because two people who want to spend their lives together should not be punished for wanting to show their love in such a way. I am a L*****n that would love to marry my girlfriend but live in this s h i (t) hole Georgia!

  9. fantastic.....!!!!!

    great, revelation in modern society

    congratulations on your engagement!x*x

  10. i think you should post this in the marriage section. that way you have some straight views as well. to make your research more valid.

    im g*y and for marriage by the way.

  11. its !Fine

  12. I think its the best thing since sliced bread!

    (But what was the best thing BEFORE sliced bread?)

    Anyway, we've had Civil Partnerships over here for nearly three years now, giving us the same recognition as straight marriage

    It's my second anniversary in October.  I can see nothing detremental at all.

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