
g*y parent adoption questions?

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What is your opinion on the matter?

From what countries or U.S. states can a g*y couple adopt?

If you put your baby up for adoption, would you ever allow a loving, kind, smart g*y couple adopt him/her?




  1. Sorry, I don't have any facts about where/ how g*y couples can adopt.

    However, my opinion is that there's nothing wrong with a homosexual couple adopting a child and if I were to get pregnant and chose adoption, I wouldn't have a problem with my child going to a same-s*x couple.

    UNLESS... they were going to try to force the child to 'become' a homosexual in the same sense that straight parents mistakenly try to force their g*y children into 'normal' relationships.  I think that would be unlikely, however, since homosexuals are too well aquainted with the descrimination, confusion and self-doubt they faced growing up.

    Homosexuals are not child molestors!

  2. I don't have any problem with g*y couples adopting.  Everyone has to meet the same standards for adoption, income, stability, ability to parent, etc.  It's a pretty thorough process!  I think sexual orientation is pretty far down the list for things to be worried about.

    I'm more familiar with international adoptions and there are some countries that do allow it. My children's country of origin does permit g*y couples (and singles) to adopt.  

    That said, not all agencies are willing to work with g*y couples.  That can very well be the agency's rules, not the legal word on the subject.

  3. In Indiana a g*y couple can adopt.

  4. I believe these days the majority of states will allow domestic partners adopt.

    Yes, as long as the child gets to chose his or her sexuality without bias.

    I'm not sure about foreign countries.

  5. No I wouldn't because a child needs the presence of a mother and a father to be well rounded and stable. This is how God designed it. Any other situation is selfish and unfair to the child.

    It bothers me more if two men adopt. A child should not grow up thinking this is normal, they should not have to witness their same s*x parents displaying affection in front of them.

  6. In the state of Maine a g*y/L*****n can adopt.  You're ased a lot of questions that a "straight" couple wouldn't be asked but what are you going to do if you're child is bullied because of your life style....etc.

    I adopted a wonderfu son and daughter.....solely though....they are much better about the adoption to one partner but not to both.  

    I think that if g*y marriage was allowed our commitment to each other would be taken more seriously and the concern of us parting whys wouldn't be as much of a concern.

  7. I think that a loving couple is a loving couple, period.  

    I would much rather a loving couple, g*y or not, raise my child than a single person- they would surely have more time to offer, just because there are two of them.

    I don't know why sexuality preferences come into whether or not you can raise a child properly or not.  I don't think that during adoption screenings they ask PAP married couples if they are into say, bondage, do they?  Because that's private, and no one's business.

  8. I think children need a mother and a father, not two of one or the other.  If it were a choice between a g*y couple,or foster care, I would choose the g*y couple, but I think adoption laws should favor married, heterosexual couples.

  9. I am adopted and wouldn't have a problem. What people do in their bedroom has nthing to do with how they will treat or raise a child. I have a g*y friend that o work with an dshe has a partner that she has been together with for over 10 years they have a set of 3 year old triplets. they didn't adopt them but they're kids are just as well rounded as everyone else.

  10. go to or call 1-866-yes-adopt.... this is a GREAT adoption agency! they can answer all your questions..... they arent advertised as "g*y friendly" but they have never given the people that i know any problems... (i have one g*y couple and one single g*y friend that has used them) there are MANY MANY restrictions for foriegn adoption... not only are some against g*y adoption but some countries restrict somt things as simple as being 30lbs over weight!

    good luck! and best of wishes!

  11. im not sure about the other country adopting thing, but if i had to put my child up for adoption and a g*y couple wanted to adopt it, i would certainly let them. only if i knew that they were kind, clean, and loving. i wouldnt want my baby in an unsafe enviroment.

  12. i dont think i wld alow them to just bc i have had bad expereences with g*y ppl

  13. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure here in Canada, g**s are allowed to adopt everywhere.

    I see no problem with a g*y person adopting a child so long as they can prove they can provide for the child financially & emotionally. If they can pass all the same criteria as a straight person I really don't see where their sexual orientation should have a part in it.

  14. I've seen many g*y couples adopting and imo it's just fine for them to adopt.  g*y couples are just as loving and caring about their children as homosexual couples.  And, btw, it's a total myth that they will try to make their children g*y.

    Being adopted is difficult and in my experience you feel different from your family no matter what they are like.  I almost think a g*y couple might be more sensitive to this because of perhaps their own experiences of being on the outside of what's considered "mainstream" society.  

    This may actually be better for an adoptee's standpoint, because, rather than trying to pretend that the family is just the same as a bio family. the issues would be addressed, not buried.  

    Anyway, that's just speculation on my part since I wasn't adopted by a g*y couple...but I think I might have liked it.  Being adopted sucks no matter what, so why not a g*y couple?  They can be super cool people with amazing hearts and emotional sensitivity, and that's what an adopted child really needs.

  15. I'm adopted.  I wouldn't care if my aparents had been g*y.  g*y people are just as good at being parents as straight people.  As long as they were good to me, it wouldn't have mattered.

    The idea that someone can "turn" another person g*y is silly.  A person is either g*y or not.  People don't "become" g*y.

  16. I know that Florida does not allow g*y adoption however g**s can be Foster parents.  It really  never made sense to me because you have some kids who are being fostered by g**s or lesbians some of this kids will never be adopted due to many factors age/HIV positive etc  yet their foster parents would willing adopt them if they legally could.

    I do think g**s should be able to adopt there are so many children in this world that need a good loving home, with parents. People are blinded by the misconception of a prefect family that includes mother and father and kids. Well the majority of people aren’t living with that, what with all the divorces in this country, single parents, blended familes etc.  If I ever placed a child for adoption I’d have no problem if a loving g*y or L*****n couple adopted the child.  People are also under the misconception that if someone is raised by g*y parents or has a g*y parent that they will end up g*y. This is hogwash a person is no more likely to become g*y raised by g*y parents then they are to become g*y raised by a hertosexual couple/person.

  17. Most countries outside of the US will not allow a g*y couple (or individual) adopt.  Here in the US I know many g*y couples who have adopted.  They are in open adoptions with the first family  who selected them to parent their child.  

    If I was in a situation where I was making an adoption plan for my child, I wouldn't care if a prospective family was g*y or straight - I would just care if they had the same morals and ethics as myself and that they would love and care for my child.

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