
g*y people and athiests are you rapture ready?

by Guest55830  |  earlier

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All Christians know that the end is in sight. We are not afraid because we will end up in heaven. I wonder if the non believers out there are ready for the end of days? Does it scare you? Dont you think it is time to convert and join us?




  1. I am going to repeat this again.

    Why do people in United States(not sure if in Canada too) talk about "rapture", why so many religious wackos over there?

    I had never heard of rapture till I came on this forum.

    You people are nuts to believe in that tripe!

  2. "Rapture ready"?  Does that involve Kool-ade?

    The end isn't in sight, unless you are talking in terms of geological time, in which case...

    Nope, not bothered - different belief system.

  3. I'm looking forward to when you'll be gone, especially hateful christians like you.

  4. The rapture is fiction, christians have claimed the end is near for hundreds of years. It's all bull just so you will keep giving your money.

  5. If we dont believe, we dont believe the end of days is coming, so we arent scared. If i believed the end of days was coming but refused to be christian, then i would be a moron.

    PS people have being saying the end of days has been coming for centuries.... guess what..... no end of days.

  6. Bride of Jesus??? SpOoKy KoOkY delusional are we?

    No, it doesn't scare me, but YOU scare me. Ignorance scares me.

    No, I can't join the Stepford Christians, I'm too well read, a free thinker, got too many college degrees, you wouldn't want me.

    I believe in God, only I call it Nature

    Personally I can't wait for the rapture, can't wait for all the fanatics to go bye bye....adios....chow....aurevior good rids!

    BYE BYE!

  7. Generally speaking, since there's no real evidence for the end of days, I'd say that none of us believe you.  Also, I would seriously doubt that all Christians think the end is in sight or even believe that part of the Bible.  I can imagine it must be fun though, thinking that people who aren't like you are bad and going to get punished while you get an eternal party after you die.  Kind of childish, though.

  8. ha ha ha ha ha ha... i don't... ha ha hah ah hahaahaha haha hah ahaha hah ahahahdhshfh hahahah heeheheheeheeeeee wheeze... eh eh eh eh ahhahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahh muha muahm ah ah ah ah koff koff koff.....

  9. a-t-h-e-i-s-t

    Learn to spell correctly. It makes you look like less of an @$$ when you are pushing your religious delusion at sane people.

    You admit your religion is a doomsday cult? Good. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to healing.

    I am not afraid of your superstitious fantasies. I am afraid of what you do in the name of your "god".

    No thank you. I like living in the real world.  

  10. Believing in God and saying, "I believe Jesus to be the Christ" will do little for you, that is the churches teachings, not His. He taught you The Way, not the church, the church teaches their ways, not His. There are no shortcuts to God, Christianity has misled you. What must you do? You must treat everyone as if they are God's Child, which in truth they are. You do not go to Heaven you grow to Heaven. Those who condone war, violence, bloodshed, torture are not His Kind. Those who judge or say this person or that person is unworthy of His Kingdom prove themselves unworthy by their own words, for we are Judged to the same degree that we judge others. And who but God Knows who is truly worthy to Enter Into His Kingdom? The church has no say so in this matter whatsoever. As a matter of fact the churches teachings bear little resemblance to Those He gave us. But lucky for everyone the Truth Resides within each of us, search for It, find It and you'll then know what's what.

  11. I actually find your rant mildly amusing. You seriously know when the end of days will come? From what? Your beliefs? You believing in something does not make it true in the least.

    And no, Christianity is not my thing. You guys go a little overboard for my tastes. Converting is not something I'd even consider.

  12. May I suggest not limiting your question just to people who are g*y or atheist. How about the liars and the thieves, fornicators and blasphemers.  You cant limit it to just those 2 groups of people. How about the so called Christians that are quick to point out to g*y people that they are going to h**l, when in fact they have their own unrepentant sin.

    I appreciate your question. But to single people out in this manner doesnt get your message across.

  13. BS! Christians fear death just as much as anybody else. Further proof of your own inconsistencies.  

  14. Why single out the g**s and Atheists? I'm a Deist, I believe the consciousness of the universe is God. all you have is a Jewish zombie. I have 14.7 billion light years and it's still expanding.

  15. There is nothing in the Bible about a rapture. That is religious tradition not something based on your scripture.

    Since I don't believe in your god or any of the doctrine that represents it, I have no fear of a rapture. If I am wrong, then I will enjoy the peace and quiet of not continually being asked if I am ready or being condemned to h**l.

  16. As a Christian I apologize for this question.  Honestly there are a lot of believers that talk a good game, but are terrible people.  And there are plenty of atheists that are genuinely nice and good people.  My belief, not saying everyone has to believe it, but my belief is that God will be the judge, not us.  

  17. "Does it scare you?"

    About as much as that mine on Gilligan's Island that one time does. No, come to think about it, the "end of days" scares me less than that mine. In the plain light of day, it's pretty damned obvious that it's more likely that Gilligan's Island will turn out to be true than it is that the Bible will. By a wide margin, in fact.

  18. You are the reason I hate religion. I believe in God, but obviously not the same one you do. What scares me is that there are so many judgemental pricks like yourself who think they are so high and mighty because their halo is so shiny. Get over yourself. Are you afraid of the wrath God will have on you for judging others?  

  19. I agree with you 100%.  They are terrified of this question because they know it's true so they make jokes or leave smart remarks to comfort themselves.

  20. You go on believing that the end is coming any day now, annyyy daaay noowwww, wait for it, here it comes...

    While you're wasting your life waiting for a non-existent glorification I'll be getting on with mine.

  21. See, unlike those of you who appear to be smug enough in your own place after this life that you can offer us some sort of guaranteed place in the lifeboat if we act like you and think like you, some of us don't believe there IS anything after this life. Meaning no need to be frightened into submission. Thanks for calling...

  22. I am ready for all the Christians to be gone, it will be interesting to see what it is like.  

    It doesn't scare me at all and no, I have already tried it and didn't find anything special about it.

  23. Rapture:

    Fab Five Freddie told me everybody's high

    DJ's spinnin' are savin' my mind

    Flash is fast, Flash is cool

    Francois sez fas, Flashe' no do

    And you don't stop, sure shot

    Go out to the parking lot

    And you get in your car and you drive real far

    And you drive all night and then you see a light

    And it comes right down and lands on the ground

    And out comes a man from Mars

    And you try to run but he's got a gun

    And he shoots you dead and he eats your head

    And then you're in the man from Mars

    You go out at night, eatin' cars

    You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too

    Mercurys and Subarus

    And you don't stop, you keep on eatin' cars

    Then, when there's no more cars

    You go out at night and eat up bars where the people meet

    Face to face, dance cheek to cheek

    One to one, man to man

    Dance toe to toe

    Don't move to slow, 'cause the man from Mars

    Is through with cars, he's eatin' bars

    Yeah, wall to wall, door to door, hall to hall

    He's gonna eat 'em all

    Rapture, be pure

    Take a tour, through the sewer

    Don't strain your brain, paint a train

    You'll be singin' in the rain

    I said don't stop, do punk rock

    Well now you see what you wanna be

    Just have your party on TV

    'Cause the man from Mars won't eat up bars when the TV's on

    And now he's gone back up to space

    Where he won't have a hassle with the human race

    And you hip-hop, and you don't stop

    Just blast off, sure shot

    'Cause the man from Mars stopped eatin' cars and eatin' bars

    And now he only eats guitars, get up!  

  24. yes I'm ready for your paranoid delusions!

    are you ready for anti-biotic resistant bacteria?  that is something that is real.

  25. The definition of terrorism:  Using fear to make your point or get what you want.

    Christians have been preaching about the end of days for quite some time now; we're still here.

  26. you fail.

    i don't believe in jesus AND i'm g*y.

    and you can't possibly know any of this.

    you think murderers and terrorists and n***s went to heaven cause they believed in jesus so "god" forgave them?

    and a g*y person who was the nicest person and never hurt a fly is going to h**l because their g*y?

    now that's messed up.

    open your mind to the real world and realize there is more then JUST YOUR religion.

  27. I doubt you're ready for the rapture. You have been mislead, when the Flying Spaghetti Monster takes us all to eternal peace, you must have offerings of pasta sauce. If not you may be thrown into the boiling pot for all eternity.

  28. No, you *don't* know that. You *don't* know that you will end up in Heaven and you *don't* know that we should all be converting to your way of thinking. And plenty of g*y people are Christian, so don't define them as being necessarily separate.

  29. You don't "know" any such thing.  You merely have faith in god being as hateful and mean spirited as you are.  We will all end up equally dead.

  30. Hmmm do you really think that all Christians are going to heaven??

    Cause most of them have sinned in many ways!!!

    And i don't think that the fact that you discriminate ppl just cause they believe in sth else or in nothing makes you a better person!!You might not go in heaven either!!Who knows!!

    I don't think that anyone is scared,if they've lived their lives without hurting anyone and haven't done anything wrong why they should be scared!!!

    Don't you think it's time to open your mind and think that ppl can believe in whatever they want....!!You're not changing anyone's mind like that you just  upset others...!!God gave you a brain!!Use it!!

    Btw I'm a Christian Orthodox!!But also I'm a logical and open minded person...!!

  31. Wow... I really hope you dont call yourself a Christian.

    "Dont you think it is time to convert and join us?"  


    I think this sounds like a prank and is not a serious question.

    And actually "Empress Kat" it does talk about the rapture in the bible..

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