
g*y people scare me, how do i get over this?

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idk what it is when i see a g*y or lez. couple it makes me feel sick like one time i actually threw up. how do i get over this? i was taught that kind of a lifestyle is bad and i believe that but what do i do to get over the sick feeling?




  1. It scare the h**l out of me too...

  2. we are people just like you, your mom or dad, or your best friend.

    we have the same hopes, dreams, and fears that everyone also has.

    I was toughed the same way as you and for the longest time I just tried to stay away from anything that could be considered g*y.

    I know this will be hard for you but try not to think of them as a couple, instead think of them as best friends. it seems to me that some people are to concerned with who other people are sleeping with then with other impotent issues. I have this guy that I work with that thought the same as you. but he got to know me and he told me that he has more respect of me then many of the other officers that we work with.

    I am not a flamer as he puts it, but I do live life in the open.

    I hope this helps, most of us are good people and can be good friends too.

  3. alright here is your problem justdont worry about them thats there business... theycan have there own little g*y time together. you worry about  your self and if you really hate them that much i saw you should suck it up..there not thatbad they help me wit shopping

  4. meet some g*y or lez people yourself. i mean you can see how they are. I mean they're really cool and nice people.I heart g*y people!

  5. Well, even if you do not understand their lifestyle, you still have to respect that and respect them. Why not make a g*y friend? Either someone you know, or someone from an Internet networking site, and there are many. Just make sure to steer clear from sexual proposals, as that usually happens on the net, irrespective of it being a g*y or etero website.

  6. First, you need to find some way to objectively analyze your beliefs.

    You will make no progress until you are capable of accepting that what you were taught is incorrect.  Homosexuality is a sexual orientation, not a "lifestyle", and there is nothing wrong or "bad" about it at all.

  7. If you are having physical feelings there are just two possibilities.

    One:  You have been indoctrinated to the point where you have a pretty strong psychological disorder!!  or,

    Two: following your conditioning to believe it is wrong that you are trying to hide from your attraction to it!!

  8. Just go to a g*y bar and chat. Oddly enough, most g*y bars are not pick-up joints, just like most straight bars are tehre mostly to talk about sport or wind down from work.

    Just don't act scared. there's nothing sexier to a g*y guy that a frighten3ed straight g*y :p

  9. Honey get yourself out to a g*y bar and just sit back and watch the very normal people have a fun evening. They may be g*y but they know how to party! Not only that g**s are the most considerate and friendly people I have ever met. There is NEVER any trouble at closing time, no fights or dreadful behaviour. The life they lead is all about fun and nothing else.

    If you ever get to Essex UK and want to come out with me I will show you how decent these people are. I dont go to straight clubs any more because its unsafe, unfriendly and nowhere near as much fun.

    Hope you get over your phobia.

    Mandy x

  10. Seek professional help.

  11. u were sick? u may be allergic.

  12. You need to try talking to a g*y or bisexual person on the internet or in person, to realize there pretty much just normal people and that just because they like boys or girls or both doesn't mean there bad people. I'm bisexual email me if you like x

  13. ahhh they scare me too  

  14. Try actually getting to know some g*y people so that you can see that it's what you were taught that's really sickening, not g*y people.

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