
g**s in the military, what are your views?

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g**s in the military, what are your views?




  1. I don't think it matter from a strategic point of view, but a moral POV could be very drastic. My view is the strategic though, as a homosexual and a "straight" guy are both capable of fighting, assuming they're the average male (about 5' 10"-6' high, 180 pounds, medium build) the only problem I could see is a sexual interest in another soldier as that could lead to distractions, and I believe a single mistake in a battle could cost you your life? Though females are also part of the military, and I haven't heard of widescale s*x in the ranks that has gone public. So, in conclusion, I really don't think it matters.

  2. I don't like it at all. Now I am totally aganist g*y everything. But one thing that needs to stay is "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". I mean this young boys are risking they're lives for freedom. Don't burden them with another task.

  3. Who cares? As long as they do their job, it's none of my business who or what they sleep with.............

  4. My husband has been in the Navy now for 12 years and believes the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy should stay in place. He doesn't really have a problem with g*y men as long as they are professional and don't flaunt their "gayness". He says that if they served openly and flaunted it by walking and talking silly then they will be asking for trouble. Not by him but he knows that they will be harassed and insulted by others.

  5. well...because your g*y its not like your mentally handicapped...don't ask don't tell is a great idea. as long as he or she keep there personal lives quiet and don't hit on coworkers, i see no reason why they shouldn't be in.i have no issues with g**s however there are many stupid intolerant rednecks in the military who would be offended. And would make community showers very uncomfortable. I was in the army 6 yrs and am from a very conservative area..if i can change my point of view anyone can.

  6. No way in h**l I'm showering with a openly g*y male no way at all.

  7. A persons sexuality does not make a Soldier/Seaman/Airman.

    Rather depend on a homosexual watching my back than a person who has their brain screwed up on Drugs

  8. I have worked with a few g*y Military personnel and as long as they keep "work" Professional and produce good results when required and in a timely fashion then what they do on their down time shouldn't be anyone else's business.  

  9. I have served with homosexuals on each of the subs I was on.

    If they are ever caught performing a felony then things get bad. But so long as they avoid commiting sodomy, their fine.

  10. They should be allowed, drives me nuts we have a huge population of kids in this country who look at service with disdain and/or pity. Why turn away a group of people who want to serve? Makes no sense to me, the guys who are g*y are still men, they are not going to go nuts and do something in the shower just like a guy won't go nuts if he sees a woman in bathing suit or what not. Just doesn't make sense. The only thing that would have to be REALLY enforced is the fraternization policy, if I cannot get any because we are with all men then they cannot get any either and as long as that policy is enforced strongly I do not see any problem with it and it is a shame we still have it on the books.  

  11. I don't like it.has the potential to greatly reduce moral within a unit, especially if the unit NCO is g*y or something along those lines.the majority of the military is obviously straight, and any straight guys dont like g*y guys, simple as that.

  12. no g**s allowed, also most military members are conservative and anti g*y so it would hinder it. also i will join the military in the future and dont want it.

  13. Why not? While I disagree with homosexuality I feel that the individuals who chose that lifestyle deserve the same civil rights and liberties granted to the rest of us. THAT DOES NOT MEAN I support g*y marriage, but the right to freedom of speech, protest, bare arms, fair trial, etc. should be (and are) extended to all citizens regardless of sexual orientation, race, gender, creed, nation of origin, etc. So why should being able to enlist be any different? The fact of the matter is, some of the ancient Greek armies actually encouraged homosexuality so that the men would be more motivated to fight because they had a "special" relationship with their comrades. I'm by no means suggesting that the US should encourage soldiers to be g*y   (or any other sexual orientation for that matter) but who's to say those that are might not prove this ancient belief to still be true today? I can think of no reason why they should not be allowed, I support the don't ask don't tell policy.

  14. Personally, I'm not prejudice, so I really don't care. I think of it like this:

    As long as they are willing to fight for my country, I think of them as heroes. Now, that doesn't mean I think anyone who doesn't want to fight are cowards, that's not what I'm saying at all. I just think that the ones that are willing to risk their lives are brave, courageous, and heroes.

    But anyone can be those in their own ways.

    Answer your question at all?

  15. Don't really care. I am comfortable with my sexuality.

  16. "Don't Ask, Don't tell" Is something that should stay as is. They can join, but why do they need to be open about it? Why mix PERSONAL life with PROFESSIONAL life? Not necessary, keep your business out of your job, period. Don't make it obvious, do your job that's what you joined the military for.

    If they step out of line then you are discharged period, if you tell you're discharged period.

  17. What people fail to realize when it comes to this topic is that the don't ask don't tell policy is in effect for the same reason that females are not allowed to servce in a combat job. In a regular conventional war or a war with a linear battlefield (not like Iraq) combat units are assigned far different tasks. Now...the problem arises becuase a human being is not able to turn off their sexual attractions. Remeber the girl in high school you were in love with and she wouldn't give you the time of day? We'll you still liked her, if she asked you for something you are more likely to make a bad decision to help her, thats just the way life is. If you are an infantry squad leader deep in a hostile enviroment and you have a sexual attraction to one of your team members you are extremely distracted. If something happens to that person your personal feelings could jepeordize the entire mission. In the case of the females, it really has nothing to do with the girl but its the guy that has the problem, and the way we think and feel. Same exact scenario for homosexuals. The difference in the policy exists becuase of discrimination laws. You cannot say that a homosexual can or can't have a certain job, with don't ask don't tell it allows g**s to serve if they do not tell anyone.  

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