
Gcse coursework problem?

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i started school in april.

for that reason i haven't completed my coursework.

i amworried about my overall marks so can anyone telll me how much coursework hav i missed in the subjects shown below and how long will it take to finish them. plus i am startin the second year of gsce now.

the subjects are:

english(i have only finished the poem section)

history(i have done germany and the castles part)

geography(is there any coursework that has to be completed and will add in yourt marks or those the coursework start in year 11)

maths( are there just exams that you have to do)

triple science




  1. maths.. some boards do just exams now, so ask your teachers. altho some still do coursework !!

    history  is 25% of your overall gcse grade (IMPORTANT!)

    geography is also 25% of your overall gcse grade (ALSO IMPORTANT!)

    english is also quite a lot of your grade aswell.

    triple science is something like twenty percent. you do (ISAs) which are fairly easy so dont panic!

    apart from maths you need the coursework in all of those subjects to do well ... so i would definitely talk to your school. saying that most schools complete the coursework section of the gcse syllabus in year 11 anyway so chill outt :)

    peace. x

  2. Have a word with your teachers and device a strategy to catch up. I'm sure with a bit of hard work you'll soon be caught up.

  3. Every school is different - and even within the school it is taught the way the teacher wants.

    For example in english we have had 3 pieces of coursework which we have concentrated on for the last school year.

    Shakespeare (you will deffo do this)

    novel openings (you probably wont do that one)


    there is also speaking and listening which is judged by your teacher anyway.

    I'm sorry but I don't take history or geography but I know there is coursework for them because my friends take it.

    I wouldn't worry about it though, speak to your teacher/form tutor and explain how you are feeling. It might mean you have to come in after school or break times  to catch up. alll the best x  

  4. Coursework can vary so ask you're teachers as they are the ones who will know exactly what they have assigned.

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