
Gcse results!!!!! state or <span title="private???????????????????">private??????????????????...</span>

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i just got my gcse results and i am really disappointed and frustrated. i got a's b's c's and a d. the problem is i got a d for geog and my teacher was sacked last year for being useless so we've all suffered and its not fair. Also, i go to private school and i think its ridiculous that we take 11 gcse , separate science and at least 1 language but yet state schools can just take mickey mouse courses and because they're state they come out with A's. i think this is totally unfair, just because our parents pay we get treated like we all should be clever oxford pupils when in fact we're normal kids trying to pass our exams!! why should we have to do different exams, my cousin did module science with multiple choice and got an a, whereas i have 2 do separate and got 2b's and a c, which is unfair. the news does not make it aware that we take different exams, when you read the league tables it makes us look like we're all thick. I was off for 6 weeks with a 'virus' that the doctors could not understand. my teacher told me to get a letter from the doctor but now they're refusing!!! this is totally unfair as now i look thick and can't take my choices next year!! my advice is you might as well stay at a state school cause at least then you'll get into you're chosen uni !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. You can challenge your grade.  File a complaint stating you feel you deserve a better grade and it will be reviewed, and since your teacher was sacked, maybe he&#039;ll hold enougth of a grudge against the school to where he&#039;ll give you a better mark..  After all, it cant hurt to try.  The worse that can happen is it&#039;ll remain the same but it cant change if you don&#039;t try.

  2. Next year im taking 10.5 GCSE and one AS and I go to a state, State don&#039;t take mickey mouse courses, Im also doing seperate sciences. In my school, you can take up to 14 and as low as 8.5. It just depends on what school you go to and what area you live in!

  3. Oh yes. Every single student from state schools takes &quot;mickey mouse courses&quot;. I took 3 sciences, German (language college) and An AS in Critical Thinking as well as core subjects. None of these, for the record, were easy &quot;mickey mouse&quot; subjects. My Critical Thinking teacher was brand new on the course and didn&#039;t know what she was doing, and my Chemistry teacher could not control my class very well. And, you know what, I did pretty well considering (4 A&#039;s, 6 B&#039;s, and a C in critical thinking). I took exactly the same science exams as you, as the science exams are based on whether you take core, double or seperate sciences, so you&#039;re not doing different exams to everybody else. And you&#039;re not being treated differently either, The teachers won&#039;t accept people being off ill for one day without a doctors note at my school.

    You might want to spend more time working yourself instead of complaining. Not everybody has the money to go private, so the rest of us make do.

  4. I agree with you that the quality of teaching can affect the quality of results.  However, there are plenty of bad teachers in the state sector and they are less likely to be sacked.  being in an independent school, you have probably had better teaching overall and in smaller classes with less disruptive behaviour.

    I agree that some people take far too many GCSEs.  It is much better to take 8 or 9 GCSEs and aim for top grades than to take 11 or more with mediocre grades.  

    I agree with you that the qualification and the subject can make a huge difference.  Some independent schools do IGCSEs, for example, which are definitely harder than normal GCSEs.  Some state schools do very strange &quot;GCSE equivalent&quot; qualifications such as OCR Nationals, which are far easier than GCSEs.  It is the government&#039;s fault that there are so many different qualifications and awarding bodies.  Independent schools tend to those that are more traditional and more prestigious.  This can work in your favour though.  For example, your grades in separate sciences are probably worth more than a single award in modular science, especially if you want to do Science A Levels.

    Your school can&#039;t prevent you from appealing for special consideration to the exam board in a case of illness.  These are considered in the same way by the awarding bodies, irrespective of what type of school you go to.

  5. Well I go to a state school and I did 10 GCSEs, separate sciences and 2 modern languages...not really &quot;mickey mouse courses&quot; in my opinion.

  6. I thinks its grossly unfair how you think we take &quot;mickey mouse courses&quot;! At my STATE school, (if we get high enough SAT marks) we do 3 seperate sciences, 2 english and a compulsory at least 1 language AND we take 11 gcses. And we dont pay a pound, and I got great results, better than yours, you private schooled snob.

    Oh and by the way, dont blame everything on the teachers, you could have learnt the stuff yourslef online or out of a textbook if your teacher really didnt teach you anything. Go stick that in your s****. and expensive pipe and smoke it.

  7. Okay... do whatever you think is best ... lol

    answer my question too please !

  8. whatt you can&#039;t do your choices next year sounds crappyy I would just quit and go to a college they would let you in. College is so much better than 6th form aswell.

  9. Hey, this doesn&#039;t make sense......the government and stuff say that private education is soo much better and the high achievers are more likely from a private school. And as for taking 11 GCSE, I go to an average state school and almost everyone took 10 or 11 subjects, whilst others took around 14. I took 11 Full and 2 Short courses and Aidditonal Maths and did fine.

    And as for the teachers around half of the teachers at my school are c** business teacher did not teach me anything and i did great in it......and he hasn&#039;t sacked even when we complained!!

    I&#039;m sorry abou your grades but soo many people would do anything for what u got.  

  10. Yes Private schools are a problem. They filter most of the &#039;better&#039; students away from the state sector, they are socially divisive and then boast about their fantastic results. I would close all of them down and then we would see an immediate improvement in the state sector.

  11. for the record not all private schools are like that

    i go to a state school but i know private schools which are allowed to take the &#039;mickey mouse&#039; exams and other state ones that aren&#039;tt. it purely depends on your school not private / state.

    if u want to challenge ur results because of your illness, do.

    also, if you went to a state school and did the same exams you are doing know you would get worse results because the teaching and resources are not as good, so be happy ur at a good school and if you are that bothered do re-takes.

    also, at my school you take 12 GCSE&#039;s, two AS&#039;s and an Alevel. the as&#039;s are maths and p and e and the a is maths

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