
GeTtInG a FeRrEt?

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now that i got your attention,

im getting a ferret really soon, i've never had one before, but i have had hamsters and guinea pigs, so what are so things i need to know about ferrets?

examples: diet, play time, nosies, behavoir ex..




  1. i just got 4 ferrets recently ! they are great pets. you have to dedicate ALOT of time to them. and since they are so active and playful, they do better in pairs.  yuo should give them atleast 4 hours of playtime each day. they eat ferret food. (marshalls is the best brand) they should not have rubber or wood toys. they are very sweet. you can also train them to use a litter box. if you are gonna let it walk around your house, make sure your house is "ferret proof"...which means it can not damage anything or get hurt. whatch out for wires and holes. :] thats basically everything

    if you need to know anything else feel free to email me [:

  2. Great places to research:

  3. look it up on google or somthing

    ps. DoNt TyPe LiKe ThIs!!!

  4. I know that they stink really bad so you need to have a separate room in your house just for them. They also need to be played with atleast 2hrs a day. If you have 2 ferrets that would be better because they wont get as lonely when you arent playing with them.

  5. You can feed them tons of things! they are allowed to have chocolate, but not too much. They will play with you at any time of day. They love to scratch and bang around on their cage. they get very hiper, especially if you start chasing him. he may bite, but it doesn't hurt.I had one, and got rid of him the next week! He will p**p like crazy! I wouldn't get one. if you have any more questions, email me at

  6. Diet - Ferrets require a high protein diet. There are a variety of different ferret foods out there. Check out this food chart to see which food would be a good choice for yours.

    Play time - Ferrets require out-of-cage play time. I'd recommend trying to let your ferret out every single day for at least 4 hours. When you're home to watch your ferret, you could let your ferret out. Just be sure to ferret proof your house. They're very rambunctious and nosy. They'll get their paws on anything they can find.

    Noises - Ferrets make dooking noises that's usually an indication that it's happy or excited.

    Behavior - Ferrets are fairly similar to puppies or toddlers. You must ferret-proof your home. Block off small holes, under the refrigerator, lock pull-out drawers, pick things up off the floor, hide electrical cords, etc. They're also very active. They're a lot different from guinea pigs and hamsters, so be prepared! They can be wonderful pets for the right people.

    Also, please be sure you get proper vaccinations for your ferret. Try finding a vet with prior experience with ferrets. I mean, you wouldn't want to take your ferret to a vet with very little experience with them.

    I would actually recommend you join a ferret forum. Here are two great ones you may want to consider. There are lots of ferret owners on there who will be able to answer any questions you have. There are also great threads already started that are very informational. You'll learn a lot.

    Good luck with your ferret! :]

  7. This website contains a lot of information that is helpful, also, if your ferret gets a chance, it will probably try to kl your hamster and guinea pig, so you need to keep them seperated and supervise them when they are loose.

  8. diet carrot peices or stor food for them.ther basically living slinkys.ferrets like being pet and u play with them the way u do with cats kinda dont let them bite u.they dont make much noise.behavior is usuoly mealow but can get mad easily.wen it gets full size u only have to kepp it i a gage at night becouse if it gets into a fight with a cat itll win.they smell like pee sometimes but its not rely a bad thing.dont get wood chips and they like to come with u.put them un ur pursh or watt i do since im a guy is putting them on ur shoulder

  9. Diet - I fed mine Marshall premium

    Playtime - They need about 4 hours of playtime out of their cage everyday in a ferret-proofed room. If they get into a hole or under soemthing that they shouldn't in then it's almost impossible to get them out!

    Noises - The only noises I knwo of that they make is called "dooking" but you can only hear it if you listen carefully. it's hard to explain but it's really cute. They only do it though when they get really excited and hyper, like during playtime.

    Behavior - They are very sweet, don't bite(soemtimes may nibble your fingers though), affectionate, playful, and intelligent. they can learn their names and other tricks. Also, males tend to like being held more than females, and females are more hyper, and males are lazier.

    ferrets are one of the best pets i've evr owned! the only con i can think of is the smell. i don't mind it but you might. they give off a mild odor themselves, but if you clean out tehri litterboxes everyday then it shouldn't stink that bad.

    Make sure you do as much research as possible, because they can be very high maintenance,

    good luck, i hope i helped!
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