
Gealteacht???((irish collage))?

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ok so this year is going to be my first year going,so i was just wondering any tips??and anything i need to bring??




  1. DONT forget important know the weather here...and youre outside A bring a jacket and sun cream lol

    Bring c**p clothes....but dont forget nice clothes too (theres usually discos!)

    but dont bring too much stuff! youll just regret it later!

    It seems to be the tradition in most gaeltachts to serve limp, soggy fish finger-type-things on a bring sweets!

    BUT be nice to you Bean An Ti anyway.....hopefully youll get a cool one

    Ceilis are cool!! Every night you get to dance around like a mad thing but it doesn't matter, cause everyone else is too.

    bring some weird clothes and stuff for them...they have competitions sometimes lol

    Be ready for early mornings. but at least every other person in your house has to do the same.

    You can put up with the cockroaches and icky looking breakfast cereals together HAHA

    Irish is a LOT easier when you get back in September. Not that that really matters I suppose. Oh well lol

    and you spelled "gaeltacht" wrong so i think you need the practice lol

    Just try not to use much english (when adults are around) gets fun speaking irish anyway....

    be prepared to use a LOT of hand gestures for the words you dont know!!!!

    That's pretty much everything you need to know (for now)

    Have a deadly time.....youll make amazing friends


  2. Obviously, You'll need to bring clothes, toothbrush, shower gel, personal things etc. You'll need to bring notebooks, copies, pens etc.

    My tips are have fun, It's great craic, you'll learn loads of Irish and of course, meet loads of new people and friends.

    It's great. I went twice and I was very nervous, I knew no one going and I cried the first night because I was homesick but then I didn't want to leave. It's so fun!

    Good Luck. = )

  3. Aw you are going to love it!! Went to Coláiste Colmchille in Litirceannan when I was 14, best experience ever, bring random clothes, not too much tho, you can wash them, you will need maybe a dictionary. A few school supplies, a bit of spending money, although you will need to ration, I went with £100 for 3 weeks can you believe lol. And bring some goodies like sweets and stuff, and enjoy yourself!!!!

  4. Bring casual clothes and some dressy clothes for Ceilis and fancy dress nights. Sun cream incase it's sunny and a raincoat incase it rains!! Bring things that will remind you of home eg. pictures etc.. Be openminded, try to get to know everybody, don't be too shy!! Speak Irish all the time, don't break any rules, be nice to the host family, be adventerous, try everything.

    Most importantly have lots of fun!!

  5. I went a few years ago and believe it or not your gonna need loads of towels. You get wet or have a shower at least once a day and you only get your laundry done once a week, (that's what they did in my gaeltacht). So when one towel is wet you stick it outside your window or on the close hanger to dry and have spare ones till that one drys.

    You are also gonna need

    -A good pair of runners and maybe 2 bad sets.

    -A nice shower gel + shampoo and deodorant

    -A big bag to hold all your clothes and a little back pack to put your copy,pen, and sports stuff.

    -Have great craic and don't take anything too serious everybodys in there for the same thing.

    when the people in charge tell you not to do something do what they say cause it will just cause you extra hassle.

    -Dont worry about speaking Irish the whole time cause you will get used to it .

    - Lots of sweets because they will probably sell sweets in the Tuck shop but there a rip of.

    The best thing is have fun and make good friend because the gealtacht is a great experience.

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