
Gears of War 3 makes history, United Kingdom’s Xbox 360 charts are in

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Gears of War 3 makes history, United Kingdom’s Xbox 360 charts are in
Gamers in United Kingdom seem to have spent the previous seven days doing a number of activities. These activities range from checking the calendar, to standing in line outside a number of video game retailers through the night in order to get their hands
on a copy of the final chapter in the Gears of War trilogy. Yet, how did it fare on the unforgiving weekly UK Xbox 360 sales charts?
L.A. Noire’s facial capture technology may have been revolutionary and stunning to look at, but its sales figures are equally impressive as it also manages to find itself a place in the top of the charts at number 10.
Hailed as the first hardcore Microsoft Kinect title, Rise of Nightmares may have missed the boat when it came to critics and review scores, but that has not stopped the legions of Kinect users from buying the game and giving it a try. To be honest, they
pretty much had nothing else to do on the Kinect, so who can blame them.
At number eight and selling strong is Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops, which seems to be riding the all zombie ‘Rezurrection’ DLC wave. With Modern Warfare 3 just around the corner though, one has to appreciate the game’s resilience when it comes to
Rugby World Cup 2011 is also on the charts as it settles down at number seven and Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, is steadily falling down the places on its charts as it tries to keep up with a certain new entry.
United Kingdom seems have a thing with cars and San Francisco, which to be honest almost every human being does, but it seems to be directed towards Ubisoft’s stellar Driver: San Francisco, which stays in the top five for another week in the charts.
Proving that augmentations are not all that, bar the conspiracies of course, Deus Ex: Human Revolution still has the attention of the gaming public as it sells enough to land itself in the number four spot.
Killing Zombies is fun. Holidays on islands are fun too. Therefore, killing zombies on a holiday should be the best time a person can have. Proving that theory is Deep Silver’s, Dead Island, which decapitates its way onto third place.
Debuting in at the number two spot, thanks largely to a significant number of petrol heads, is F1 2011. Yet, selling more than its previous two games combined, for the first day that is, is the Xbox 360 exclusive, Gears of War 3, which is topping every chart
its name pops up on, including this one.



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