
Gee Wiz, Nothing about Carey Capers for a few days.?

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Why has the guy turned violent over the last couple of years ???




  1. I said in another similar question that Carey probably has always had a bad temper and anger management problems but he was able to release it on the footy field.

    Since retiring he has no outlet other than his (ex) girlfriend and members of the public.

    Its truely sad that such a superstar will be remembered in such a negative way :(

    EDIT:  Moo-the-Conquerer:  Im offended that you would think I am excusing his behaviour.  There is no excuse for his stupidity - just providing one reason why he has suddenly lost the plot with his anger.

    I stand by the fact that it is SAD that a great player has fkd up his image, just like Cousins.

  2. Turned may be the operative word.

    Carey may have used his ex-wife as a punching bag, but she kept it quiet, for the sake of his footy fame, and possibly the adoring public may not have believed her.

    Maybe he is envious of his ex-team mates who have wives and children in a loving family atmosphere, which is something that he was foolish to wreck.

    Possibly this is part of his violent flare ups, who knows why a person who seemed to have it all, gambled and lost the plot.

  3. > carey has always been  violent . why would he wanna change when he has always got away with it for so long

    > he needs a wake up  call

  4. Wayne Carey has probably been violent for most of his life.

    It is only the very public break up with his wife that brought his real self out into the public, I guess then he started showing his true colours.

    I hope he serves as much time as he deserves in a US Jail !!

  5. Dope.

  6. I hope it stays that way we have the real season starting soon and don't want a woman basher distracting from it.

    It was bad enough last year with the Ben Cousins saga but at least he was still playing footy Wayne Carey has had his moment in the sun.

  7. Same thoughts as Rogue.

  8. He's hiding for now until he has to return to the states down im Miami........LOL    He's going to have fun there, there going to beat the c**p out of him just because he's white, He'll get traded for a carton of smokes or something or He'll be someone's *****................LOL   really depends what prison they send him too,  long is it's not the general population prison, might go to a minimum security prison, who knows........LOL

  9. RogueRage

    Carey's not sad, he's pathetic.  Whether he released his anger on the football field and no longer has that outlet is irrelevant.  It does not excuse him from assaulting women or police officers.

    I have no sympathy for him due to his actions, nor do I have any respect for him.

    He deserves to be gaoled and made to feel like his victims.  Gaol may make him grow up.  Only time will tell if Carey has the decency to become a human being.

  10. If its not a Wayne Carey story to wash down the corn flakes of a morning its a Britney Spears story. Maybe Wayne should move to LA shack up with Britney and  we just get all the c**p from one source.

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