
Geico Denying my auto claim?

by Guest45306  |  earlier

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I had an accident on 6/15/2008 and it was in my opinion the other drivers fault. Unfortunately I do not have collision with Allstate , so I have to go through the other drivers Geico. The police report is totally in my favor but they are denying my claim. I argued with the Geico adjuster a little and she said she would review the claim again and get back to me. She basically is believing everything her insured says. My adjuster at Allstate said that Geico usually will believe their insured and deny the claim. When she calls back tomorrow do I have any foot to stand on or do I have to take this to small claims court. I would even take 50/50 responsibility to get my car partially fixed.





  1. Your 'opinion' means nothing -- the other driver obviously feels the loss was your fault so what do you really expect GEICO to do? A police report doesn't determine liability, it's simply a report of the accident. Your best (and only) foot to stand on would be an independent witness to the loss. If you can't produce one then you're done. Don't bother with court -- GEICO will defend the other party and if they are indeed denying your claim based on facts then you can't possibly win. Always protect yourself (i.e; proper coverage like collision). If you had collision coverage Allstate would be fighting tooth and nail and in the meantime you would be having your car repaired.

    Who knows? After reviewing the claim again the GEICO adjuster may find something she missed first time around and decide to pay you.

  2. Sounds to me like a court case. Its the 'LITTLE MAN' against the BIG MAN. I would definitely persue this matter if you honestly think you are right. Dont let that insurance company get over on you. And dont settle for anything less then 100% from them. GOOD LUCK!

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