
Gel coat or two pack epoxy for hull?

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hi am doing up a boat, the hull needs redoing, is it best to re gel coat, or paint? Pros and cons appreciated, cheers




  1. Don't know why in the world you would want to re-gel coat... most everyone is getting (or trying to get) away from that.

    You don't mention "why" the hull needs redoing... however...

    If the hull needs some kind of overall cosmetic repair... you would be better off (much easier) with a simple "one off fiberglass" application of 7oz fiberglass cloth (boatglass) and epoxy resin - then paint.

    If not... man... just paint it...

    Happy & Safe Boating!

  2. The problem with gel coat is that it is designed to be laid against the mould surface.  Gel coat left exposed to air will remain tacky even when cured and is very difficult to apply smoothly.  If you want to refurbish the hull you have a huge choice of paints, single or two pack.  Two pack paint is harder once cured but is more difficult to apply to a high standard and is fussy re temperature and moisture content of air when painting.  Some old hulls have been waxed and polished which makes it difficult for any paint to adhere well.  I am afraid the best plan is to try a sample patch or two before investing in the paint for the whole job.  The very best refinish for a hull is by the professionals with sprayed two pack in indoor conditions after a lot of hull surface preparation.  If you really want to DIY and you can get good weather for application then 2-pack stuff is probably your best bet if you are competent at painting high glass finish.

  3. If you have any osmosis problems or if the hull is getting on a bit

    try Nigel Clegg  who is a specialist company for boat coatings  

    or try the International paint Co on  These people seem to know what their talking about, free telephone advice as well. Good luck.

  4. To re-gel would be quite expensive and time consuming. You have to prep, wet sand and buff. With painting with Epoxy, you don't have to prime bare fiberglass. Just sand, clean and wipe with prep solvent and paint. Epoxy is durable and will last indefinitely if applied correctly. Plus the price of Epoxy is by far a cheaper way to refinish your hull than Gel-coat. If the boat is high end and money isn't an option, then re-gel-coating is a better option for resale value. But, if its your project or toy and you just want it to look good and be durable and resale isn't in the picture right now,  then Epoxy is your answer. Have fun with your project, I hope that I could help. Happy Boating.

  5. if the hull has got osmosis (pitting below the water line) then it would need to be re gel coated failure to do so will cause the hull to become water logged and eventually delamination will occur, if this is not the case key the hull with various grades of abrasive paper and coat topsides with international interlac, this is a one application product that drys quickly and goes off rock hard, as for the anti foul use a good quality make (expensive) as the cheaper brands i,m sure contain fertiliser.

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