
Geldings eyes water badly (pics)?

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My 13 yr old Appy gelding eyes water 24/7 all year round. They have watered badly ever since i bought him 1 1/2 years ago. I have put a fly mask on him for a couple weeks and it didn't help him at all. Also sometimes he has whiteish/yellow p***y stuff in his tear ducts and it sometimes runs down past his tear duct. Here are some pics.




  1. The pink, irritated skin around your horse's eyes certainly shows that he has chronic problems.

    Have you had him examined by a good vet?  Yahoo answers can give you a few posibilities and guesses, but it will take an actual examine by someone qualified to give you total answers.

    If your horse has had this long term, during all seasons, and it isn't improved with a fly mask, I'm guessing that its more than allergies.

    I have a pony with a plugged tear duct.  She tends to have watery discharge in that eye all the time.  It was diagnosed by my vet in a proceedure where they put a syringe in the pony's nose (without the needle) and force fluid into the duct there.  In normal circumstances the saline will trickle out the corner of their eye, if the tear duct is blocked the vet cannot force saline through that duct.  (Obviously you can't try this at home, it isn't just in the nostril that they push the fluid, but through a tiny hole in the nostril where the tear duct empties)  I think this is a possibility in your horse, but to have both ducts blocked seems unlikely.  If it's a blocked tear duct it sometimes can be treated by being flushed or surgical, but it isn't harmful or painful (but can be unattractive)

    My biggest worry would be "moon blindness" or uvulitis (I may have spelled it incorrectly)  This is the largest cause of blindness in horses, and more common Appys than most breeds, although it is found in many breeds.  It is progressive, and very painful.  I would suggest you go onto google and type in Moon blindness and you will find page after page of information on the topic.  It will scare you, let me tell you.  I know because I was worried my pony had it - it was a huge relief that it was just a blocked tear duct.

    For your horse's sake you need to have it checked ASAP.  There is no cure for moon blindness but eyedrops and treatments can slow the progression.  And because its very painful you are going to want to know so you can monitor your horse and do the best for him.

    Hopefully I've just been paranoid and given you a worse case senario, but with your horse's history, breed and such I think its a possibility.  Good luck.

  2. Besides asking a vet try AntiHist because tears can come from an allergy

  3. My friend's horse had a problem like this and a vet prescribed a type of eye drops. It wasn't going to fix itself. Call a vet and see what it will take to fix the problem. Don't let the poor guy suffer!

  4. I agree that it is most likely plugged tear ducts.  Tears are continually secreted onto the eye, and then drained through the tear ducts to keep the eyes bathed in tears, but not overflowing.  When the tear ducts are plugged, the tears have nowhere to drain to, so they overflow and you get constant runny eyes.  He may also have either allergic response or infection causing the exudate you describe.  The vet can open the ducts and treat the allergy/infection, so my advice is to contact your vet.

  5. Have you had him looked at by a vet? He could have an infection,blocked tear ducts,or a simple allergy.The chronic irritation could affect his eyesight,so he should be seen by a vet asap.

  6. my horse had the same thing if u call a vet they will fush their nose and if that doesnt work they will give u some medicine 2 put in it

  7. i would check with a vet

  8. It sounds like a blocked tear duct that could be infected since you said it has puss coming out too.  I found this web page that explains.  This needs a vet though!

    Scroll down to the Blocked Tear Duct part.

  9. well, he either has dry eyes, its natural for him or he has an eye infection...... but the yellow p***y stuff sounds like and allergy or a infection.. take pictures on one of his worse days call or go to a vet withoutt him and ask what this is and if he needs to be seen that way youdon'tt have to pay unless nessicerry. ( sorry for my misspells the spell chacker wouldnt work. ) you can e-mail me for any other questions! i will be happy to help!

  10. Maybe have him checked out by a vet. Or even call a vet and ask why this may be- they may not even have to come out and see your horse and therefore save you money.

    I would contact a vet somehow though, because it may be an allergy or an eye condition perhaps? I have heard some conditions can lead to blindness, so I would contact a vet just to be on the safe side.

    Good luck with your horse!

  11. I would sooner think that it is a blocked tear duct, which should be attended to be a vet.  I looked closely at the photos and I couldn't tell if it was the reflection from the sun or if his eyes looked a little cloudy, like an eye with a can make a very weak saline solution (water with a small amount of salt dissolved in it) to wash out his eyes, it won't hurt anything.  The typical appy coloring around his eyes can't be helping him out in the sun either...have you tried keeping him in, out of the sun to see if he still does this?  I guess what I'm trying to say is, this isn't anything to wait around, it has been bothering this horse for over a year, it's time to get some professional help for him.

  12. Seems like he has colds in his eyes.

    I would take some warm damp cloths and hold them on his eyes for a couple minutes 2 times a day and then always use a fly mask on him.

    If that doesnt work then i would call and talk to your vet.

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