
Gemini's do we seem to have a split personality?

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i just wanna know if the star sign relates to Gemini's in real life




  1. General behavior:

    Gemini (the twins) is a very complex and confusing sign. To some people you can seem like a wonderful friend, while to others you will seem two-faced and sneaky. You will act like a child for most of your life. That includes both the good and bad characteristics of children. You are happy and energetic when things go right for you. However, when things go wrong, you can be passive-aggressive and very mean. You find decisions hard to make, since you can never stay with the one that you originally choose. You tend to fight loosing battles for something that you call a "moral" cause (even though you know it isn't).  

  2. yes, yes eden and anishahh, yes we are that and more...........

    but we aren't so  bad if you think about it, we only talk and sneak and lie when you're not there, but when you are......we are as nice as a peach in the end, what does it matter??

    The loose gemini spouse will simply talk c**p behind your back, lie, and sneak about (but not actually cheat or do anything bad), but the loose sag will, more than gladly, hope into bed with someone else--any day hehehehehe.

  3. ummm in my experience, YES

    i'm sorry, but it's like he minute my back is turned you turn into this evil, bad tempered, person who doesn't care if they hurt other people.

    I like the other side of you guys much better...

    EDIT: Ana, um it matters because a guy or girl should be nice ALL the time. It's no good if someone tells me im a super good friend then as soon as a walk away tells someone i suck. How is that ok? How does that not matter?

  4. Yes we do, since we're the sign of the twins. But I don't like it when people come and say "You geminis are lying two-faced backstabbers" - because *News Flash* not all of them are like that. What happened to looking at the positive parts of the signs? We actually are really good people. I'm sure someone wouldn't like it if I took their sign and said Leos were bossy attention grabbing whores who exaggerate their problems too much.. Instead of doing that, I actually look at the positive things about Leos saying that they're generous and fun. But thanks anyway..

    Anyways, yeah, we do have 2 personalities. But we're easy to get along with.... ;)

    - Gemini

  5. Yes

    *No we don't*

    Uh yes we do

    *Nuh uh*

    ~Are you two arguing again!?~

    He started it

    *No it was you!*

    ~Stop IT!~

    ^Ah the wonderful life of a Gemini^

    Shut up

    *I agree with him*

    ~Yeah, how'd you even get out anyway?~

  6. Sad to say but we do. My family knows I can become a different person without me realizing. I don't know when I change myself switching back and forth. Sucks really.

    I am two faced but not in a bad way thank God! One side of me can be extremely brilliant and serious and the other is stupid and child like. I don't know how I can be sooo smart but somehow it goes away in a second!


    Gemini's are pretty laid back people, but if you don't give them enough space, they will attack you verbally.  Gemini's don't want anyone to know their true inner personality, because we want to keep everyone an arms length away; That's where the twin comes in.  If you start to get too close, the Gemini twin will pop out to confuse the h**l out of you.  Gemini's will let only a few people get close to them.  A Gemini is extremely loyal if they can trust that person.  We need lots of positive feed back from others, and if we get negative feedback, we can cut you up verbally in a heart beat. So to keep the peace with a Gemini, give lots of positive strokes and keep us laughing.

  8. YES! I'm not a Gemini but I tell you from personal experience.

    Sometimes they act nice and sometimes it's like it's another person.A friend I know wasn't trustworthy.She really embarrassed me,she lied to people about me and made me look bad,it was so awful.

  9. I think so.  You can be mad as h**l like you detest someone, then within a short time, do a 180 & act like nothing's wrong, like nothing ever even happened while the other person's still blazing mad.

  10. i have a sister thats a gemini and let me tell you she can talk!!!!!

    she can either be fun to be around and very hilarious and outgoing,or she can be a real beotch,moody and give you mean looks and hold the snap of your finger.

    they dont like to be picked on the slightest bit, and to be yelled at in public but they are quick to yell at you and point you out in public and they are not afraid to be mean and to tell you off when people are the top of their lungs if they could.

  11. Yes, dont wanna be mean, but Gemini's are two-faced.

  12. who is a geminian--sun sign or moon sign or ascendant. all three have different signi fications..split personality is definitely may b in thinking/actions/intentions etc.. but the best they have their' 5 thy lord is venus(libra) the best they can plan,visualisation etc..that is reqired i proffesion,buisiness etc..

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