
Gemini Male/ Libra Female what went wrong?

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My soon to be ex is a Gemini and I'm a Libra, we were fine in the beginning but now we are constantly at each other's throats. It's driving me crazy, I would get scared because he was talking and hanging out with other girls and he would get the same way about me talking to anyone. He says that he doesn't have a reason to stay with me yet he's still here. Is it that he still cares, or is it that he doesn't want me but he doesn't want to see me with someone else? I don't understand how it got so bad.




  1. Um what went wrong is that Geninis are ALL about themselves...they really dont care what other people think and they are very rude..and Libras are nice gental yeah

    Answer my horoscope question?;...

  2. Sounds exactly like my ex and I but I am a gemini (female) and he is the libra (male).We dated 2 long yrs..

    He would hang out with ppl and go to clubs w/o me and I knew there was something fishy there.  he could be friends w/ his ex and when it came to my ex he wanted to be controlling and possesive.  i broke it off w/ him and never looked back..its been 6 months and he finally stopped trying to conact me like 1 month ago.  gemini and libra seems like a good idea by theory in the beginning and then just doesnt seemed to measure up towards the middle to end.  ugggh and since then i have attracted a numerous amount of libras..every guy i meet seems to be a libra, no offense as you are a libra its just the situation w/ this guy as a whole that traumatized me and now i feel like i have an invisable stamp on my forehead that only libras can see that says "flock to me, I am a Gemini" LOL.  but for real it sounds all too very cautious with this duo..good luck!

  3. he is gemini

  4. Don't know much about Gemini.    

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