
Gemini male just stopped talking to me...? huh? ?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike we have been emailing back and forth for a month or two. We had our ups and downs, but we would always make each other laugh. Im a sag btw. I was very witty and playfully teased and flirted with him..i would try to win his heart by playing hard to get but teasing at the same time. We talked about personal stuff as well. Everything seemed fine..then he just stopped. Out of the blue. its been 4 days...n still nothing. Is he doing this as a test..should i ask him whats up..or just let it goo...ahh its so hard to.




  1. I was in the same situation kind of, but I was the guy .. meaning I acted like the guy you are having issues with and I am a Gemini. There are many ways to analyzie this, but my guess (as a Gemini who was in a situation similar to this), is that he is bored. I know I was.. does he live far away that you don't get to see him much?

    For now, I would let it go, if he wants to talk to you then he will contact you. (I'm a little old fashioned) don't email him anymore because that will show that you are needy and Gemini's hate that (at least all the Gemini's I know- becuase we use that to our advantage and then use you)

  2. trust me, i know EXACTLY how u feel. i too was involved with a gemini man for 3 years !!! he called alot and talked alot of b.s. which is what gemini men do. i dated several in my life besides him and they all talk to you about what they want and act like they are planning this future with u with their words then they are m.i.a. for awhile. its as if what they said didnt ever exist. it was frustrating for 3 years as i was strung along til he wanted me then he didnt. also they are never satisfied with one woman- even after marriage. the guy i dated for 3 years cheated alot and ended up marrying one of the many women he cheated with. 3 years later he came by the restaurant i worked ( i was engaged at the time) and wanted me to give him another chance because his marriage wasnt working. i laughed in his face when he wanted me to call off my wedding to be with him. i am sure the poor girl never knew he was trying to get with me again. the point is, run as fast as u can before he rips out your heart- and he will because all he says is fluff- no meaning behind it. i know it hurts but cut him off. chances are he is talking to other people. gemini's are well known to be big talkers.

  3. ooook i know EXACTLY what your talking about. the fact is hes many people at once hes a gemini changes friends like his clothes. if your the type to deal with him you can count on this behavior for the rest of his life. or he just really isn't interested a little of both. i have a boyfriend who's cancer the opposite of gemini and tried to make a gemini friend....and he couldn't even handle that he asked me to stop talking to him through a message on myspace about 2 months ago and haven't spoke since. lame sauce i say get over him and get a man you can depend on, there out there their just at home most of the time

  4. This has happened to me before with Geminis---the sudden silence, the cold shoulder.

    I suggest you leave him be. There's no making a Gemini come back to you, they do relationships on their own terms. Send him a note saying you're there when he wants to chat, and leave it at that. And don't seem too eager. Geminis are uncomfortable with anything they interpret as 'clinginess.' But they often come back to friendships and relationships after they're given some space.

    Approach him with caution if he does start up with you again. Geminis change their minds a lot, so be aware of that tendancy. Give him a lot of respect but demand respect from him in turn, and he'll like you more for it.

    Good luck!

  5. He'll be back!!!  When he comes back, a word of advice.  When you are emailing skip a day or two sometimes too!  

    Not saying he is testing you....but absence does make the heart grow fonder....he has you thinking of him because he broke the pattern and hasn't written.

    I never do it on purpose....but when I am too busy to talk to my Gemini friends they worry about it and become the chaser!  If they like you that is how they will respond!

    Keep yourself busy...too busy to notice that it has been 4 days since you last heard from him;-)  Good Luck!

    From a fellow Sadge!!!  

  6. Let him be. It could be a test, or it could be that he's busy with something, or it could be that he has several others on the line and he's preoccupied with one of them. No matter what he's up to, if you contact him, he's got you.  Don't do that...don't ever let Gemini male know that he's gotten to you. The harder to get you are, the better.  They love a challenge, and they love attention. If they're not getting enough of either or both, eventually they will come around to find out why you haven't bothered. Or, he may come around when the others are elsewhere. Be careful with Gemini male.  

  7. I wouldn't be too concerned about His Absence just yet... His Computer could have Crashed for GOOD- & he has to go out & buy a new one... There could've been a Death in His Family & he has THOSE things to "attend to..." HE could have taken ill Himself- and not been Online lately... -So try not to take it Personally... You NEVER KNOW all that could be going on behind the "scenes" in the Lives of a Person on the WWW... Let some more Time pass, & see what happens...   :)

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