
Gemini or Sagittarius for a Leo?

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my friend is a sag and im a gemini and we both like our friend, who's a leo. who would be better for him?




  1. Actually, they are both compatible with Leo ... with sagittarius,

    " This relation will work well, as both are optimistic, positive and take a broad viewpoint. Because both are frank, generous, and open hearted, they can be beneficial to one another. Leo will feel neglected or frets, if Sagittarius is too eager for freedom and independence.When it comes to wanderlust, these two are infected with it from the tops of their heads to the tips of their toes.Their sights will always be set on the wide blue yonder and they'll bring out the gypsy in each other's souls.

    These fiery folk bring out the best in each other to a delightful degree. They spur each other on in a wonderful way. That Leo drama and excitement will appeal to the Archer, whose dashing and daredevil approach to life will enthrall the Leo. Both of them love doing things in style and will want to visit all the best places that the world can offer. "

    And with gemini,

    " On mental and intellectual level both agree. Leo feels to be the center of attraction but feels neglected when Gemini becomes absorbed elsewhere. Leo's desire to take control may overpower Gemini's free spirit. If both agree to let each other go his or her own way, this can be a sparkling combination. When a Leo and a Gemini team up they can show more sparkle than the diamond. With their love of laughter and life they've got a lot in common and can even teach each other a thing or two.Those glittering Geminis will make their lovely Lions relax and they in turn can transmit to the twinkling twins a little of their own gorgeous generosity and wonderful warmth.

    The Geminian way with words and the Lion's flair for forgiveness, should be able to patch up any punctures in their partnership. There's a thoroughly theatrical atmosphere to this alliance and this couple's idea of a terrific time is to spend time at the cinema, and book a box for the ballet, followed by a fantastic feed-up at a ritzy restaurant before rushing off home for an intercourse. Once they slip between the silk sheets, the Leo can be such a luscious lover that even a twin will be lost for words.They'll love the sensation of melting into each other's arms and the Geminian will respond even more warmly than with some other signs.Once out of bed, they continue to be a caring couple and the child like charm of the Gemini will captivate that large Leo heart. "

    Soo I guess its up to you two to settle it amongst yourself ... but maybe he likes only one, or neither of you ... you never know ! Hope I helped !

  2. i asked my mom and she said Sagittarius because both Leo and Sagittarius are fire signs.  

  3. Sagittarius is a better match for Leo because they are both fire sign. Gemini is an air sign and Leo is fire...Air can put out fire or feed it depending on the personality type.

  4. Sagittarius is a better match for Leo because they are both compatible for each other and they are both fire signs.

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