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can i get back with my gemini girl friend?

we had a small fight which grew so big now we haven't spoke for 2 years!

wer'e class mates by the way...

we get into occasional eye contacts by accident and we just stare the h**l out of each other.

any suggestions??




  1. Your sign does not get tremendously emotional. But for a Gemini + Gemini pairing, both of you are going to have to get in touch with your feelings and emotions if this relationship is going to make it over the long haul, and not fall victim to cool objectivity. Your combined high IQs won't be able to do the work. Since neither of you are mad romantics, you may have to try harder to get romance to be a part of your life together.

  2. My husband is Gemini, my mother is Gemini, my aunts are Gemini and my friend is Gemini, they are very hard people to understand. But I know that two Gemini can get along it's perfect. Try and talk to her maybe it will work out this time.

  3. Why not try humor?  Do or say something funny next time you stare at each other?  Print out something like, Hi, can we talk? and hold it up for her to see, or just do something, blow her a kiss.  Someone's going to have to break the ice, why don't you?  You're already not talking for two years, do you want to have another 2 years go by just staring at each other?  Man up and talk to her as if you never argued.  It sounds like time apart has been punishment enough.  If she wasn't somewhat interested she wouldn't be staring at you.

  4. I'm also June 8


    but why does it matter for zodiac sign?

  5. Stop believing this c**p, it's NOT true.

  6. I wouldn't bother it will just end badly again. it would make a nice friendship if you could forgive each other, but it would be best to not get romanticly involved again. why make the same mistake twice? maybe because you are gemini which means you are duality in a nutshell, LOL but really don't repeat mistakes. it will end really badly all over again.

    gemini is best with: (they are your perfect matches)

    leo, aquarius, aries, libra

    find one of these and get to know one. even if they are only a friend you will still forget all about the gemini girl and she will stop staring at you. gemini to gemini doesn't work!
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