
Geminis are SO BAD about not getting what they want?

by  |  earlier

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Who's worse? Leo?




  1. Leo's aren't as spoiled as you may think. They like getting their way, but they have enough pride to walk away and not look into the eyes of defeat.

    I don't typically get along well with Gemini's. They're two faced and most I've met have been compulsive liars, so I steer clear but remain open to a Gemini breaking the mold one day..

    Aries are usually so self-focused that they'd probably throw more of a fit for not getting what they wanted IMO.

  2. No, when I don't get what I want, I kick my feet and throw a tantrum and make noise (if people are around; if not, I will conserve my energy and not do that)--after a few minutes I stop (and by then I will have forgotten why I'm angry).

  3. Really? Most Geminis I know aren't really the spoiled type. I mean, a lot of things determine  that kind of attitude. The whole chart needs to be looked at, as well as the environment in which they grew up in.

    You're giving a really great sign a horrible image! And no, not all Leos are like that.  

  4. I hate judging people by their signs, but I know I hate it when I don't get what I want!

    I think it's an Aries trait though. All Aries I know are like that. xD


  5. geminis are SO FUN & so are leos stop thinking of negative traits :[

  6. Nope, Gemini pretty much takes the cake on that one.  

  7. LEO! are the worseeeeee... i rekon! lol..  

  8. stop judging people based off of their sign.

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