
Gender Questions, for school Project.?

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If you feel comfortable doing so, please list your age and gender.

The questions are as follows:

1. As a child, what did you want to be when you grow up? Is that what you're doing now?

2. Is there anything you think men are better at than women?

3. Is there anything you wouldn't let you're son or daughter o because of their gender?

4. In what ways are men and women equal in the US? In what ways are they unequal?

5. What do you think of when I say the word "feminist"?

Thanks in advance everyone!




  1. 1. Interior decorator - No

    2. Lifting heavy objects

    3. No.

    4. Equal in getting education, jobs, credit, homebuying

        Not equal in pay, politics, safety of person

    5. The feminist movement helped women to be equal in ways

         mentioned in #4.

    I am female in my 60s

  2. Female-26

    I wanted to be a model,actress,a teacher, a pilot.

    men are good at hiding their emotions.

    i would let my son and daughter do whatever they feel like they could do.

    Men and women are equal when it comes to voting, nothing other than that,women apparently cant have control over their ovaries, they get paid less and forget working a good job if you have kids or become pregnant.Men are not better at math than women,that is just so stupid to think that.

    Feminist to me means women trying to be equal to men,Not a bunch of angry lesbians,ignorant people who say that.

  3. 19, Female

    1. A lawyer.... Now I don't know what I want but I think I'll be a nurse (blood used to make me sick when I was little).

    2. Math and peeing standing up, other than that it depends on the person.

    3. Um aside from pee standing up if it was a girl I don't really think so.

    4. I'm not even going to comment on the US, probably things are a little less politically correct there and stereotypes are more 1950's than 2008 but what do I know, that's just a hunch.

    5. Angry lesbians. I don't understand today's feminists, I mean yes it was necessary back when we weren't legally recognized as people just things to clean your house and be your punching bag but today? Give me a break. If a woman wants to have kids and stay at home that's great, kids need all the attention they can get. Don't bash women with traditional family values because you would rather leave them with strangers to fulfill your own need to prove yourself. Not that I'm against working mothers at all I mean today most families HAVE  to be dual income but if a woman can afford to stay at home why not? Same for men if they want to stay home that's great too. My view is as long as nobody is getting hurt, let it be.

  4. 1. teacher, no i an a pharmacy technician


    4.i think they are equal in that they both can work any job they want, they might not get it but they get the chance to apply.

    they are unequal when it comes to sexual partners and how many they sleep with.

    5. nothing, i just think i dont want to go to war, i dont want to do a mans job, i wanna stay home take care of my children and cook and bake. and do my hobbies.

    female / 29

  5. gender female

    age 17

    1. As a child I wanted to be a singer. I am currently working on high School to get into college to be a high school teacher

    2. Strength lol deffinatly, oh yeah and hiding emotion.

    3. If i had a child, and it was  girl .. I wouldnt let her do rough sports, like on an actual team. Other than that no.

    4. Ways they are equal ... we both supposedly have  "freedom of speech" Most of the same rights except when it comes to jobs, it is proven men get more pay.

    5. Women protecting their rights and standing up for the wrong going around with women's rights ... to be honest it sort  of gets me mad I have no idea why lol

  6. s*x: Male

    Age: 19

    1. I wanted to be an astronaut, but I'm not one, nor do I care to train to be one. However, I do have an interest in Science Fiction, which touches the subject of space exploration sometimes.

    2. Creating and maintaining a social dystopia in America.

    3. Personality-wise, I'll let them be whoever they want to be, but I will draw the line somewhere concerning things like trying out drugs, s*x, etc.

    4. For the first question, I know we can pretty much buy and say whatever we want to, and I know there's more, but that's all I care to think of right now. For the second question, there's a whole ton that I can list, but I'll just list social standards. Seriously, there is way too much pressure that both sexes put on not only to the opposite s*x, but to people of their own s*x as well (and yes, both sexes are guilty of this).

    5. Practicing equality of the sexes, though I can agree that some feminists are ridiculous, mainly with taking some things way out of context.

  7. Gosh there is a lot to answer!!

    28 / Female

    1: An Actress / dancer..and a mother = I am a mother, sadly don't have time to act /dance.

    2: War

    3: Be a soldier

    4: In Business... Unequal in pregnancy lol

    5: Extreme women who won't accept their lot in life and occasionally act radically to prove their point. (not necessary in my opinion.)

    I think women are just as good as men in most things, however if i went to war i would be thinking about the person i am supposed to kill as someone's son, a man would just get the job done to save others.

    Having said that, there are some women who are very successful in the army and some men who are excellent stay at home dads.

  8. 50 female

    I didn't know.

    Lifing heavy things (not all men better than all women, but on the whole, by and large).

    Don't have any, but I don't think so -- not because of their s*x.

    Sorry, this is way too huge a pair of questions. To give just a couple of things: often women aren't hired or promoted because of their s*x; men  tend to interrupt women more often than they interrupt men, or than women interrupt each other or men. Women aren't barred from attending universities; they sort of, mostly, get equal treatment under the law; both can vote; either can divorce.

    5: I don't think of anything in particular. 'feminist' simply means realizes women are human beings, not some lesser species.

  9. 16, F

    1. A model and doing print works 4 it now.


    3. um. stereotypes...boys cant play w/ barbie dolls. lmao.

    4. equal in job opportunities. not equal in certain rights and in voicing their opinions.

    5. yay 4 women? lol. idk.

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