
Gender calendar accuracy? Did it work?

by  |  earlier

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I have been having some fun with the gender calendar at

It is really funny to me that both of my kids are boys and it said they would be. So, I checked for my mom and all 3 of her pregnancies. They were all right. I realize it is just a huge coincidence. But it is still fun to see how many times it gives an accurate guess. So, if you have kids or already know what you are having, try it and let me know if it worked for you!




  1. It was wrong for my 2 boys, right for my current pregnancy ( a girl)

  2. It was wrong for me

  3. It said boys for my boys :-) and this time around it says boy and that is what the ultrasound tech said I am having.

  4. Sure did! Said im having a boy and i sure am!

  5. No, it didn't work for me. Everything (Including the Chinese calendar!) said I was having a girl, but I have a wonderful little boy!

  6. it was right for me!

    it was right for my 2 best friends!

    it was wrong for my mom..

    very interesting!

    I'm wanting baby #2, and if I get pregnant in the next 5 months it will be a girl--

    fun! thanks for sharing~

  7. wrong

    they told me boy

    i have a little girl

  8. coincidently it worked when my mom found out when she was pregnant with my brother and sister, but it could all be coincidence.

  9. Well according to it, I should have two sons.  I am had a daughter the first time around and I will be having a boy in Sept.  So it's half right LOL.  Same as 50/50.  It was fun though :D

  10. well lets see i havnt had any kids myself but according to what i know about my mom's pregnancies the calander says i was supposed to be a boy.

    I'm a girl.

    as for my siblings:

    my brother was supposed to be a girl

    my sister was suppiosed to be a boy

    my other brother it got right tho

    Chinese calender: BGBB

    Real Life: GBGB

  11. I find that so funny because another Chinese chart said my second son would be a girl?!

    And my first son according to charts should have been a girl.

    So yeah..I wont hold my breath on these.

  12. Actually, I have tried every one of those gender tests I could find (the free ones at least) and they all predicted that I was going to have a boy.   The one you put a link to predicted a girl!  I had a beautiful baby girl!  Even based on when in my cycle conception occurred, she was supposed to be a boy but here she is, defying the odds!

  13. The link you posted gave me a boy whereas I have a lovely wee daughter, but I had done something similar on another online Chinese calendar while pregnant and that was right.

    SORRY! I put the wrong conception age in... yes, it gave me the right answer!

  14. Nope, didn't work for me.  I never had conception.  Or a v****a for that matter.

  15. I did one a while ago that was age you'll be when giving birth and what month you concieved, and it was correct, however this one is wrong. It says I'm having a girl, but I'm having a boy!

  16. It was right for all three of my pregnancies.  We were thinking we were done because we have three boys and I didn't want to chance trying to have a girl only to have boy number 4.  But I really have been thinking about trying to plan it by those calendars to see if I could have a girl!!

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