
Genealogy , How do you get started with tracing youre family history?

by Guest56990  |  earlier

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Besides where do you begin to search




  1. STart with what you have.

    Talk to your parents, get their names, and as far back as they remember.

    Then talk to your grandparents...

    write down little (even insignificant) things....

    and that's the start!

  2. Here's a great site that will get you on your way of learning genealogy the right way:

    I would advise you to visit for your first step in researching. After you are there click on world connect project and enter your surname you are researching.

  3. UK answer.

    My suggestion to get you started would be for you to ask questions at home or your grandparents, make notes of names,dates , places, relationships, that kind of information . I have found the more unusual the name the easier the search , but I think all us amateur researchers will tell you the same.

      I really like /.com and have membership to them. There is one completely site that I use a lot and that's, it's excellent.

    And finally you can always ask for help on Yahoo answers there are some excellent researchers, Wendy C, Ted Pack and Shirley T ? are not only helpful but they are very clued up on this subject, they are all on the USA leader board, so they must be doing a sterling job.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Ask your older relatives, they are also the best to ask.

    Start with your parents, then your grandparents and work back with names, dates of birth, marriages, dates of death, etc.  Sometimes a library will have a historical section for that specific area (like the town your granparents grew up in, etc.) Visit the county records or courthouse where birth certificates, death certificates & marriage licenses are kept and look at those.  Family bibles, sometimes have that info in them also.  Internet searching can be helpful sometimes as well as blogs that people do looking for their ancestors.

  5. Dont start from your parents. They wont die soon. Start by talking to the oldest living relative in your famil and getting names and birthdays add them to ancestry. Then you can go to the Mormon site

    athough there isnt enough proof from here. Also don't forget that you should try to get as many names and birthday as possible. Don't worry about the actual day of death or birth for old people. Just worry about the year for now. Also if you need any help i can give you some advice. Email me thru my profile

  6. I am new at this and these two articles helped me know where to begin!

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