
Genealogy: Could God be Cloned? ... included a proposed method?

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Use genealogy testing to trace back X chromosomes to Africa. Anyone decended from Jesus should only have X chromosomes traceable to the time of Jesus, as oposed to origins in Africa 14,000 years ago. Isolate God's chromosome and clone it




  1. First of all it is unclear if Jesus ever existed and is it not true that the bible says that Jesus had no son. Without a carried of bloodline Jesus would be untraceable. And for the Genes of god to exist, God would have had to physically impregnate Mary appose to the spontaneous pregnancy we are told about in the bible. I am sorry to say that if Jesus did exist it would be impossible to trace him. Even if he did have a bloodline you would have to test millions no billions of people to find him. Your statement also raises many ethical issues. A very creative idea though....

  2. God could never be cloned. He is the one and only God, like it says in the bible. He can control everything if he wants to, and i don;t think he wants to be cloned... but don't believe me, I might be wrong.

  3. Sorry, your question is not about how to use reliable and accepted methods to find your actual ancestors. You might try this in the science fiction area if we have one.

  4. possible, though you'd have scientists melting in their skin like they did when they messed with the ark of the covenant

  5. The Cool Aid appears to be especially potent this summer.

  6. No. First of all, despite being the son of God, Jesus was still human. And God cannot be cloned because cloning requires the use of DNA strands, which God undoubtedly does not have, because DNA is made of earth material and therefore will eventually and undoubtadly deteriorate, but God is eternal, concluding that he does not have DNA. Being not of this earth, he does not have this or any other earthly characteristics, and we are like him only in that we were created in his image, but that cannot be mistaken by the assumption that we were created out of the same matter as him. He does not have the same physical and chemical makeup as a human or any other organism, and therefore cannot be cloned, not that it would be possible to do so even it were physically possible, because I really, really doubt he would want to have a clone, or else he would have already made himself one.

  7. I answered your previous one thoughtfully. This time I'm cutting to the chase:

    Go away. You are annoying your betters.

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