
Genealogy Help?

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Hello, i need help finding some one in my tree. Her name is Jane Walker, she was born around April 12, 1629 but recordes can be diminished. I know she was born in england and her sons name was Thomas Goodwin who was born in 1665 in Wales. If you could please post some links or information on Jane Walker. Also if you can please post who the husband was.

I would appreciate serious answers only.




  1. For this kind of information on Jane we would need to search through the Parish Records, these began in 1538 and any information re: Jane would almost certainly be amongst them, but we really would need a location for her in order to search the right area for the information. Do you know where she was actually born. If you could  edit and include the information that would be a great help.

  2. i don't think you can find information on someone like that

    its against privacy rights
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