
Genealogy question, who do you think is the best genealogist yahoo answers, there are some really helpful ones

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& and really nasty ones. What country are you from as well and do you help people.




  1. HSK's Mama is probably the most talented researcher and an all-around nice person.

    Wendy and Ted are also very good at solid research. But everyone has their niche and I don't think anyone tries to be nasty. There are some occasional baiters who show up, but this whole cross-Atlantic bickering is pretty unnecessary and one-sided.

  2. I think itsjustme is a goddess, and so does the american fella boomer.  Notice miss vinegar t**s has to have a poke at us brits again, thats what she really means she don't like the brits.

  3. By reading the answers here it gotta be Ted Pack, wish he had answered mine though

  4. You really shouldn't ask these kind of questions. Itsjustme is by far the best in the UK because she helps everyone if she can, and she makes phone calls to get the correct information for you, I like Ted Pack as well, but he's never helped me out. So i would say itsjustme is the best. A few of the other top ones who have answered are very rude and ignorant, and don't help at all they just belittle you and make you feel worthless. I think that some USA people really hate the English, its my opinion that's all

  5. I would say, itsjustme, tedpack, mental micky, wendy C and shirley T

    itsjustme - goes all the way to help you, explains and researches for you if your stuck.

    tedpack, very good information, he got good sayings that help you remember things,

    mental micky, also another one that has good information, takes a lot of time in wirting an answer and puts everything into the answer

    wendy C - shes so up front, she says how it goes and doesnt beat around the bush

    Shirley T - another one so up front and says how it is, doesnt beat around the bush

    everyone I mentioned are great but in different ways, so you cant pick a best

  6. Ted Pack rules, with a witty sense of humour. The others are good as well.

    from Good Old Blighty.

  7. Wow! That is a very hard question.  There are so many good researchers on both sides of the ocean. I personally have learned a lot from Genevieve's mom.  She is very multi faceted and will many times mention a technique or a list a resource in her answer that I never thought of. I have learned so much from her.  I am deeply humbled and kind of suprised that she listed me in her answer.  Thank you Genevieves mom. I truly am touched.

    That being said, there is also a special place in my heart for Wendy C, Ted Pack , Shirley T and Jan.  Wendy has great knowledge in the area of land research. Everyone loves Ted and  Shirley and Jan are always willing to lend a hand when they can.  My dealings with Itsjustme have always been good as well. She is very knowledgeable and I have learned from her as well.

    I think that if everyone remembers that we are all trying to help each other and to remember to pay any favors received  forward, we will have a community type resource that will transcend the physical borders of our respective countries. We all have different backgrounds and different experiences which lends to the differences in some of our answers. Sometimes getting 5 different answers to a question is a good thing because it gives you several different directions to search in.   Sometimes more is better, some times it isn't.  Either way, its important to remember that if you treat others the way you want to be treated, you won't go wrong.

  8. I think ItsJustMe is the best, but there are three dozen who are wise, witty, well-read, gracious and devilishly handsome. IJM has twice as many best answers as I do, if you look at the Yahoo UK version, and helps out the "colonial" cousins all the time.

    The other top 10 here and in the UK version are more willing to suffer fools gladly than I am. The first time I ever posted a query on a genealogy board, back in 1998, I read 50 or 60 posts to see what worked and what didn't, BEFORE I ventured into public. I spell-checked it in "Word". Many of the people here just fire away. We get the same questions every day;

    How do I trace my family tree for free?

    What are the origins of my surname?

    Where can I find my family coat of arms?

    Does anyone know Stewart King?

    You can find the answers to those questions in 2 minutes, without posting your question - and thus risking an insult - by browsing the resolved questions.

    When someone does ask "Does anyone know Stewart King?", and I paste the first 200 names from the Mormon site with a cheerful "Here's some!", I'm making a point; the reserve left guard on their high school lacrosse team isn't world famous, even if he is tall, dark and handsome.

    I am from the USA. Sometimes I help people and sometimes I insult them. I'm a serious amateur. There are at least two professionals here who are much better qualified than I am. I

  9. Since most people on this forum are on an All English Speaking Board, this can lead to a lot of aggravation.  I agree with Wendy & Itjustme.  We try not to make negative comments about other posters and call them by name.  

    Our main purpose is to help people.  A lot of people asking questions are not only new to genealogy but they are new to Yahoo Q & A.  

    I believe if we ever meet Ted personally one side of his face is going to be wider than the other due to the tongue in his cheek.  He comes up with some very witty answers.  I am not sure if the people asking the questions understand his wit.

    Also, you have to understand since immigration patterns during the past 400 years have been from the old world (Europe) to the new world (American continents, Australia and New Zealand), not too many English will know a lot about where records can be found in various states(each state has its own laws) etc nor should they care as most have not had ancestors here.  However, U. S. researchers are going to be interested in what can be found in the old world.  

    Genevieve's Mom, for instance, has great all around knowledge but she has expertise in Eastern Europe that I don't believe anybody else on this board has.  She also has expertise in Canadian French genealogy.

    In addition to all the good ones mentioned by the above posters, I might add Tebs, Benthebus, Nothingusefullearnedatschool(that is handful to type), Adair, BayardLady,

    Seraph, MindBender are all great also.  

    Everyone above has given you some great answers.

  10. Molly, with all respect... I think your question is counter productive and inviting hostility.

    The point here (in my mind) is to encourage everyone to participate.  An ANSWER should be best/ not best... and many times, a person gets a variety of answers, all of them having something of value.

    If there is a truly hostile or nasty answer, those should be reported. Not aired here.

  11. I totally  agree with Wendy C, she makes a valid point about this kind of thing inviting  hostility, in my opinion there is enough of that already. I see from your profile you are quite new to Yahoo answers, and that I have helped you out on a couple of occasions. There are some really amazing researchers that frequent the forum, and I have to say top man for me has to be Mental Mickey, he's a star in my opinion and gives some really well thought out and well researched answers. You are asking about the best "genealogist" that I cant answer, I think everyone who comes on here are just members of the public with a mission to research their own family history, I am unsure whether the "devilishly handsome Ted Pack" is a genealogist, I just don't know who's who, and what they do for a living.

  12. Not to offend any one (there are really great genealogist on here) but I think it depends upon the question, the individual, as to who is best. Some people are best at answering one type of question; others at answering other types of questions.

    In other words, you might find the answer to YOUR QUESTION from some who are not in the top 10.

    I know I have.

    At least I don't make it a habit of giving "thumbs down" to good answers (or otherwise).

  13. Personally, I love Ted Pack.  His sense of humour rocks.  Okay, so he's an American, but I don't hold that against him!

    I'm in the UK, and yes I do help where I can.  Whether I tell people what they want to hear is another matter entirely.  I'm not after the points or to try and climb some kind of leaderboard, I tell it how it is and how I see it.  I'm not here to win friends, just give an answer as I see it, and I'm big enough to realise that some people won't agree with what I write and how I write it.  You can make friends quickly, but also make enemies just as quickly.  Most of the regulars on this board dispense sensible advice and know what they are talking about.

    I suppose I must give an honourable mention to itsjustme as she is top answerer on the board, it's just that I find Ted Pack funnier. :-)

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