
Genealogy question for Basques?

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My great grandparents left either Spain or France and emigrated to either Argentina or Uruguay. They were supposed to have a Basque Surname (Buscaron). When we searched the web for Basque surnames, we didn't find Buscaron, but we found something close- Baskaran. Is it possible that the name could have originally been Baskaran, but it got changed after they emigrated?




  1. The answer to your question is that you have no way to be sure, until you have specific facts.  You have an ancestor with the known name of Buscaron.. but, you HAVE TO evaluate what your source for that info is??  IE, you need some record from her actual place of Argentina, or Uruguay.  Without knowing the right place.. you don't know which records to be searching in.

    Build on your known and documented facts... where grandma was actually born. You believe that they are Basque, but again.. that is an assumption, until you have a record.

    As for it being changed.. anything is always "possible", one way or the other.  It is possible it was not changed at all.


    if you look at, it contains a number of records of persons named Buscaron, who are connected to Mexico.   One only from Spain, but you MIGHT do some investigation as to the area in Spain where that person was. It could be a clue.

  2. Miswritten of names when people emigrate is a very common fact, I have a friend whose family inmmigrated from Lebanon to México, their surname is El Jure, and the mexican inmigration authorities miswrote the name, they change it for Kuri.

    There are a lot of examples. It usually happened because the inmmigrant sometimes did not speak the language of the country he was arriving to and at the time he was asked for his name, he or she was not able to explain the correct spelling and the phonethic of his name, the inmmigration authorities used to writte the names as they thought they were supposed to be written.

    I am Mexican my origin is Spanish and French and I know about the basques. I honestly dont believe there is a name such as "buscaron", Is the equivalent to say that there is a anglo name that is "Looked for", you know, nobody can have a name like that.

    The best possibility in this case: an error of writing, Baskaran is a good possibiliy, it really sounds basque.


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