
Geneolgy question???

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can someone with some expertise or proof tell me whether a light-skinned person from nigeria (yoruba tribe) can be pure black?




  1. whats the definition in your question of 'light skinned' and 'pure black'?

  2. color of the skin has nothing to deal. color of skin is just pigmentation amount. thats why some blacks or hispanics with no pigmentation have normally blue eyes, orange hair, yet they still belong to a culture. so there are whites that belong to tribes...

  3. That is a genetics question.  Genetics is a science.  This is the genealogy forum.  Genealogy is historical, not science.  We research our family trees (historical research).  We do not study DNA.

  4. There have been light skinned people found in the Calabar, Hausa, and Yoruba tribes, but it is rare.  The Igbus are also a Nigerian tribe who are very light skinned.

    Hope this helps

  5. Yes... it is like an albino with no pigment can be belong to a black family... or a blonde can be born into a family of dark haired people (my daughter).  Being light skinned really doesn't matter, he can still be pure blood.
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