
Genepax’s H2O powered car from Japan?

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How can a generator produce electric by using water as fuel? They say the generator extracts hydrogen from water, then releases electrons that produce electric power to run the car. But, isn't the amount of power to extract hydrogen from water as same as the power generated by using the extracted hydrogen?




  1. Sorry Dave, it is a scam beyond any shadow of a doubt.

    Perpetual motion machines do not work. People have been trying for hundreds of years, many thousands of machines, and not one has worked.

    And how do I know not one has worked? Because if it had, we would be generating power from it's descendants and use zero gas and oil.

  2. Indeed, it is a scam, another so called perpetual motion device of sorts.  An even if I don't call it that, it still would use more energy than a gasoline engine!

    You have to generate electrical energy to break down water into Hydrogen and Oxygen,  And it takes substantually more energy than you get out!

    In reality, the only aspect of a hybrid vehicle, for instane, is that you recover some of the wasted energy when you break.  If it wasnt fo rthat aspect, the purely electrical part of the vehicle would be less efficient than a gas only design.

    Any power use to charge the hybrid battery, and also power its electric motor comes from gasoline.  And the conversion from a gas engine, to mechanical energy/to turning a generator/to producing electricity/to running an electric motor/back to mechanical energy is much less efficient that directly converting the gasoline to mechanical energy in one step.  What makes the process work is the ability to store and re-use a percentage of the energy that was used to accelerate you rcar to speed, only to have to slow down or stop at an inetersection or light.  In the hybrid, some of that is recovered in the braking process...

    If you could find another way to directly store the wasted momentum with out reprocessing it so many times, you would really have something super efficient.

    Think about it, if you could take an average sized vehicle, even a Hummer, bring it up to 80MPH on a long highway and just run till you were out of gas and coasted to a stop, never braking along the way, the car would get well over 100mpg.

  3. It's not a scam, but people who don't understand the technology think they are getting free energy, but they're not (and unfortunately it's being reported as free energy.)  You will at some point need to recharge the unit that converts the water to hydrogen.

  4. Of course it is. Actually, in practice, you will get a lot less energy back than you had to put in.

    Sounds like a scam, or else a rather inefficient way of using some other primary source of energy.

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