
General Aviation on Military Installations?

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I'm a private pilot, and a member of the US military. What do you have to do to be allowed as transient traffic, in a private aircraft? I'm tinkering with the idea of commuting by air.




  1. My friend, -we're in Canada though-, sometimes goes to work at CFB Trenton in his 152. I heard he got an additional pass, talked to the tower personnel and the base commander and got his tail number in the traffic books.  

  2. I suggest that you check with the AOD at the base. At times, military bases can be closed to civilian traffic, without regard to who is flying the aircraft, so when this happens  you will be stuck.

    If you are allowed to do this, I highly recommend that you get the permission in writing.



  3. You'll need to get permission of the Base Commander and have the appropriate insurance, subjugating the US military -- you do this through the DD24XX series of paperwork.

    You fail to mention what branch of service but:

    US Army:  (703)806-4564

    US Navy:  Audrey Taylor at (202)685-9202

    USAF:  "Gabby" Gabonia at (703)697-5967

    The DD2400 series is available at Base Ops, and regardless of the what the retired Sr.MSgt says, it's not his airfield -- the folks listed above are the ones that issue the paperwork.

  4. Very few military installations allow civilian aircraft to have transient landing rights, even if flown by military personnel. I believe that there are major liability issues. If there is a flying club on base, I would contact them and see what information they can provide.

  5. You would certainly need to ask around on your base to find that out.

    I do know that on Whidbey Island, where I live, there is a flying club that is "civilian" - sort of, that operates at the naval air station. It has some restrictions, but they do allow this civilian traffic. (they have a cessna 172, a piper archer, etc.)

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