
General Berkeley Requirements for out-of-state students

by Guest59909  |  earlier

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I am looking at Berkeley to maybe study at. Unfortunately, I am not a resident of California so I am not sure how rigorously they will evaluate my application. I need to know generally what they are looking for for out-of-state students on the SAT, grades, class rank, extracurricular activities, etc. Basically, I have another year until I apply. I just need a goal for the next year. So, help would be appreciated!




  1. Hey, maybe I'll see you there! I'm a CA resident, but I can help you out:

    Since you're an out-of-state resident, you'll need an impressive application. In order to compete with CA residents, you'll need to have a transcript that is above average.

    For instance, the average SAT Critical Reading test scores submitted by applicants are between 590 - 710. To compete, you'll have to be closer to 710 than you are to 590.

    Same for math: the average score falls between 630 - 760. You'll need a score closer to 760.

    But don't worry yet! State schools NEVER look at SAT scores alone. They pay close attention to the rigor and difficulty of your high school courses -- so, if you took a few AP classes and took electives like Physics instead of Home Economics, you have a good shot.

    Your GPA is also important. In fact, GPAs balance out SAT scores -- so, if you didn't do so well on your SATs, your GPA will reflect upon your intellectual ability. State schools like Berkeley understand that standardized testing does not measure a student's abilities as well as 4 years of hard work and well-deserved grades.

    Other very important factors will include: your application essay, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and work experience. Also, any unusual or unique abilities will make you stand out. If you're the first child from your family to attend college, be sure to include that in your application essay.

    Extracurricular activities to shoot for will be unique clubs (ethnic clubs, music clubs) and student government.

    Also, see if you can get a few letters of recommendation from your teachers.

    I wish you the best of luck. Don't give up!

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