
General Electric Co. GE. Stock Question???? Hard Question, Requires Reaserch!!! Thanks!!?

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Wow, I love yahoo answers for its powerful ability to answer my hard questions. Thanks to everyone who answers. Peace.

I need to know the exact year General Electric Co. had their IPO. By what percent has the stock risen since then. My grandmother invested $10,000 into GE when they first had their IPO. I was just wondering, how much would she have now. She reinvested all her dividends, and stuck with the company. Where did GE first operate, out of what city and town. Can anyone tell me what $1 invested in GE at their inception would be worth today??? Should we invest in GE. Will GE's solar energy division help the stock out in the near future, what do you think???? Thank you so very much for taking the time to read this.




  1. <<<I need to know the exact year General Electric Co. had their IPO.>>>

    GE was incorporated in the state of New York on April 15, 1892.

    1,000 shares of $100 par value were sold for $100 per share.

    <<<By what percent has the stock risen since then.>>>

    4,608 x 28 - 100 = 128,924%

    <<<My grandmother invested $10,000 into GE when they first had their IPO.>>>

    I'm afraid I don't think that is accurate. At the time of the IPO that would have bought 10% of the company. If someone owned that much of the company I think she would know the details of her position.

    <<<I was just wondering, how much would she have now. She reinvested all her dividends, and stuck with the company.>>>

    Without reinvesting her dividends the stock would be worth $12,902,400. If all the dividends had bee reinvested I am pretty sure the total investment would now be worth billions.

    <<<Can anyone tell me what $1 invested in GE at their inception would be worth today???>>>


    <<<Should we invest in GE. Will GE's solar energy division help the stock out in the near future, what do you think????>>>

    Researching the past is a lot easier and accurate than researchin the future. About the only thing I can say for certain is that GE is so large that I would not buy it based upon what I expected to happen in one small division of the company.

    For what it is worth, I own GE stock and do not plan on selling it soon. It is already a "larger than average" position in my portfolio, so I do not plan to increase my position either.

  2. you can research historical price quotes on Yahoo Finance. Not sure it will go back that far but in the past, I've found quotes back to the 50's. I'm actually a financial advisor who owns GE. The stock is lower than it was 8 years ago and presents a good buying opportunity. They do have their hands in a variety of businesses however, I think their participation in global infratructure will be a significant part of their business. You also have participation in wind power as well as water. (Water is the next oil...a person dies every 7 seconds in the world due to a lack of clean water). The negative is that they also have finance unit and they trade here in the united states. Sentiment plays a very big role in the prices of stock. Right now they're out of favor...Hope this helps

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