
General Electric (GE) Desalination technologies? Do they offer only the machines or the centers also?

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When you buy these things from General Electric, are they creating the site for you to place these as well or just the technology to desalinate water? Also, are there model numbers, brand names or anything? I know that they are reverse osmosis equipment but is there a more specific name?

Also, does anyone know the price range by any chance? Perhaps how much you would save by using this rather than a thermal desalination processes over time?





  1. GE is a full service company and will help you find contractors to do everything with you.  They want the sale so will help you however they can.  Models and plants depend on your capacity needs.  Costs are depndent on plant size and energy source.


    reverse osmosis takes a lot of power, its high pressure. you need to back wash them regularly too, so inevitable down time.

    my pet idea is it would be an excellent match for wind power using a direct power take off.

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