
General Online Gaming Questions (GTA:IV related)?

by Guest62840  |  earlier

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In short, I have a PC but i've never really been into playing games on it (I also don't have any of the three current consoles, as my gaming enthusiasm died a long time ago).

However, in saying that, I wouldn't mind picking up GTA:IV on the PC.

So I have two questions, and they are:

1. Does anyone know the specifications required by my PC to play GTA IV?

2. How do i go about online multiplayer? I'm assuming I'll have to pay for it, but how do i actually do it? I know for 360 you just go to a store and buy a LIVE subscription, but I'm totally confused about online PC gaming.

Anyone care to shed some much needed light on the subject?




  1. GTA IV for PC isn't out until November.

    Specifications for GTA IV for the PC haven't come out yet, though it's said the game is for Windows Vista. A lot of games are for Windows Vista and still play on XP though. Specifications are likely to be fairly high though.

    For 360 it's on the Live Account. For PS3 I assumed it'd be free, since I've never heard about paying for it. Assuming PC would either be free or they'd make you get a Live account and use it for the PC.

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