
General anaesthetic for toenail surgury?

by Guest33213  |  earlier

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So I was surposed to go to the NHS clinic today to have part of my toenail removed as it is ingrowing. (sorry for the details). I ended up not going because I have had this done on my other foot and it hurts like h**l. On top of that I have a huge fear of needles and last time the local anaesthetic felt like vinegar. My friend told me that he had his done under general anaesthetic. How would I go about doing this and would it be gas or an injection.

Any help would be appreciated/




  1. It would be an IV injection.  Tell your doctor you wish to be put asleep for the surgery.

    If they do a proper nerve block it shouldnt be a problem.  It will sting going in but that should be all the pain you experience.

  2. They do this under local anaesthetic. If you want general you might have to pay.

  3. I had this done last month, it is 2 injections on each side of toe, and then is painless. It is definately worth it for the end result.

    (10 pts pl0x)

  4. you wouldnt be able to get a general anaesthetic on the NHS, you would have to go private and then have someone to collect you and stay with you for 24 hours afterwards. you can opt for gas or injection - I have to have gas because im very phobic about needles and blood. It costs about £100 for general anaesthetic privately.

  5. I had both of mine done about 2/3 years ago and i had my done with 2 needles in each toe. I'm not a big fan of needles at all either! The first one in each toe sort of hurts then the 2nd one you cant feel because your toes already have numb anyway. Then they just sterilize your toe and get on with the procedure. Hope I've helped.

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