
General informations about equatorial type of climate?

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  1. Think hot, humid climate, long days, rain forest vegetation.

  2. The equatorial type of climate is called, the "Tropics".

    "The tropics are the geographic region of the Earth where the sun passes through the zenith twice during the solar year (once as the sun appears to go north and once as it appears to go south). At the limits, called the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, this occurs once at the relevant solstice.

    This area is centered on the equator and limited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere, at approximately 23°26' (23.4°) N latitude, and the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere at 23°26' (23.4°) S latitude. This region is also referred to as the tropical zone and the torrid zone. ..."

    "Much of the equatorial belt within the tropical climate zone experiences hot and humid weather. There is abundant rainfall due to the active vertical uplift or convection of air that takes place there, and during certain periods, thunderstorms can occur every day. Nevertheless, this belt still receives considerable sunshine, and with the excessive rainfall, provides ideal growing conditions for luxuriant vegetation. The principal regions with a tropical climate are the Amazon Basin in Brazil, the Congo Basin in West Africa and Indonesia. ..."

    "Tropical climates are probably the most exotic of all in the world, associated as they are with thick, luscious jungle or rain forest, and a rich variety of plants, insects and animals. To someone used to the changeability of the British weather, however, the weather routine in the tropics may, at first sight, seem a little monotonous. Rain, often very heavy downpours, is likely to occur every day more or less at the same time. The days begin sunny and hot, and with the topics situated within a ten degree band either side of the equator the sun is directly overhead. As the day wears on the heat causes the extremely humid air to rise. Clouds form quickly often resulting in showers in the late afternoon, which usually clear to give a fine evening. ..."

    "Places close to the equator where the Sun is hot all the year round are known as the tropics. The weather is usually hot and humid, and during the wet season, it rains heavily and regularly almost every day. The daytime temperature in the tropics rarely falls below 25°C, even in winter, and nights are generally almost as warm. The tropics however, are never as hot as the deserts that lie to the north and south of the tropical climate zone, and the temperature rarely exceeds 35°C. The tropics are home to the world's rainforests, found in Brazil, central Africa, Indonesia and Northern Australia. ..."

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    Vegetation map

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