
General meaning of Pluto in 10th house in scorpio? (scorpio is midheaven)?

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General meaning of Pluto in 10th house in scorpio? (scorpio is midheaven)?




  1. This is a very powerful aspect. Any planets found very close to or conjuncts the Midheaven will be considered a dominant planet in a natal chart.

    Pluto found in 10th House will indicate that when it comes to the manifestation of your energies in the area of work, career, social status and standing, there is good possibility of radical reform, transformational or regenerative changes made. This can be either for better or for worse, deoending on how you handle the powerful energies of Pluto.

    And this energy is intensified as the planet is found in its natural ruling sign of Scorpio. Sweeping, radical transformative social changes are indicated and you have the potential to be a driver behind such powerful forces. In terms of personal achievement, you have to watch out for an extremist approach, or an all-or-nothing attitude which could bring about great changes in your career, social standing etc...

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