
General question about dance schools?

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Do they let adults get away with taking classes for teens? I want to take a particular class this summer that is listed under teens. I'm a young looking almost 26 year old. Would it matter?

I'm going to call the school before I register and pay, though.




  1. A lot of the time, it depends on your prior training.  Sometimes an adult class is like an introductory course because many adults haven't had any previous dance training.  Definately tell them your age, but most studios would not have a problem (unless teen is defined as 12 to 16, then I'd say no, but if it goes up to 18, maybe you have a chance)...... Sorry, but if you're a guy, you're going to have a harder time taking the course.  Good luck!

  2. A lot of schools have a teen/adult division, meaning this is a combined division.  If an adult or teen is a level 2 dancer, they obvisouly don't want to be with a bunch of 8 year olds.  I would ask the school; I bet they'll have no problem with it.

  3. Hmmm I think they would, actually, unless they have many adult classes.   It also definitely depends on gender.  If you're a man than unfortunately they may not let you do it.  If you're a woman i think you have a good shot.

    I think you should definitely tell them your age though. No matter how young you look you'll definitely look older than 19 and carry yourself like an adult.  You shouldnt lie about it.

  4. i would say probably not if you were 19 maybe but cal the school

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