
General strike to force this corrupt government to respect the right of workers to decent public transport?

by  |  earlier

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We have so many problems getting to work i propose this strike to get workers respected by government.

In switzerland there is decent public transport and 18% tax, yet here in UK it is impossible to pay our train fares and bus fares and childcare and rent and and and , so how about a GENERAL STRIKE to force the corrupt government to deliver !




  1. did you know the "cooley hat" in your avatar is offensive to many oriental cultures?

  2. Yea ....

    and burn some vehicles ,and  a flag,and a poppet with the face Margaret Thatcher ,and smoke marijuana, and after that let go to a rock music concert.

    thanks guy You'd break my boring routine

    also thanks,for  the flash back of my hippie times

  3. I think you are confusing a general strike with a peoples revolution (Russia 1917 etc).

  4. How do you propose we do this?  I rely totally on buses - due to ill health and cost I do NOT drive - to get to/from work (if I fail to turn up I don't get paid) and do my food shopping.

  5. Do you really think that a general strike over public transport is really justified?  You don't think it would be best saved for something important, and not because you cannot get a bus when you want?

  6. Actually the U.K. has rather good public transport compared with most countries. No it isn't as good  or as cheap as France,Holland,Switzerland and Germany, but the buses and trains run virtually everywhere and are generally very frequent compared with most countries. Try finding a bus to the nearest town in a remote Spanish village or having the choice of 3 trains per hour between two medium sized towns in the U.S. or Canada? The French TGV system is marvellous but it only connects very large towns; many rural lines in France have suffered huge service reductions or closure in recent years.

  7. LOL.. the RIGHT to public transportation??  you sound like a left wing liberal for the 1960s..

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